Parents cannot claim MED 1 - Can I claim on their behalf?


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All advice appreciated.

My folks are not wealthy. They are in their late 60's and both don't work. They looked to do a MED 1 claim very recently for circa €3,000 but were informed by the revenue that you can only claim if you have paid tax in the last year. Basically, they are entitled to nothing and they were banking on this money.

I read in the Sunday Bus Post a few weeks ago that I might be able to cliam these expenses on their behalf. Does this make sense? At least I think that is what the article said as it was a feature on finances for over 60's.

I am a PAYE marginal rate taxpayer but I did not pay for their medical expenses so is it possible to do this?

Any other alternatives?

Help much appreciated.
unfortunately i believe it is the case, where if thay haven't paid any tax, they have nothing to claim back, and as you did not pay for the expenses in the first place i don't think you can claim a tax refund.