Over Paid !!!



My employer has been making an accounting error in my salary for the past few months. I am currently receiving approximately 25% extra. What’s the legal and correct approach in this situation:

-&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Keep my mouth closed and continue receiving it
-&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Wait until my employer finds the error
-&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Own up and point out the error, in this case would I have to return the amount over paid ? – would it be deducted from my future salary.

Any advice appreciated,


My advise would be to bring the matter to your employer's attention to ensure that it is a mistake. If so they will probably want to recoup the overpayment but you could come to an arrange to pay it back over a number of months instead of one lump sum. You will need to also ensure that any tax and prsi issues are taken into account.

If you let it drag on, chances are at some stage the employer will notice the overpayment and then will chase you for the money.

At least the above approach is a more amicable one.
