Only some beneficiaries paid


Registered User
Hi just wondering if anyone would have some knowledge on this, will is finally ready for distribution after a lot of delays.Solicitors rang all beneficiaries a week ago to confirm bank details ect , said distributions were to be made that day, There are about 8 people receiving a gift , 3 of these have been paid the rest have not, Executors don’t know why & solicitors not answering emails ect
If their accounts were with a Building Society or credit union, it could take a day or 2 longer to touch down. Another possibility is that the wrong details were given to or taken by the solicitor and the payment was rejected

Not unusual for solicitors not to respond immediately if they are in court for example
I am one of the people that havent been paid, ordinary boi account , bank details were double checked over the phone, same as the people that were paid a week ago
Just get the executor to ring the solicitor and see what has happened. Most solicitors leave a junior reply to emails in my experience but its not unusual for them to be slow to respond to mails