Online banking destroying my credit rating



Before the summer, i started using a new credit card, and then went traveling extensively for the next 2 months. As I have done with previous credit cards--never without a problem-- i made payments online thru the credit card company's web site. I would recieve a little pop-up window saying "thank you" and so i assumed the payment went through. My online statements were such that the payments i made were listed separately on top. I missed the listings of returned payments because they were imbeddded with the rest of the itemized charges.

I've since paid off the card in full buy transfering money from my bank to the credit card's bank. However, now i'm getting ready to apply for my first mortgage and my previous ************************* credit rating is ruined. Not to mention the 3 months in late fees.

I've called the credit card company numerous times and the reps all claim that it was my fault. The only way they can clear my history is if i can prove the problem was their fault or my bank's fault. My bank has no record of receiving any requests for payments. As the cc's online system is set up so that neither me, or any reps can check my bank account's number, i'm unsure how to prove that it was their fault.

Is there anyway to fight this? Two reps claimed that i must have entered my transfer bank's account number incorrectly. However, there is no way that i can check this. Even if i could, though, is it really posible that a simple mistyping could cost me thousands of dollars? Something that will happen as a result of not being able to apply for a competitive mortgage rate.

Any advise is much appreciated.
I would recieve a little pop-up window saying "thank you" and so i assumed the payment went through. My online statements were such that the payments i made were listed separately on top. I missed the listings of returned payments because they were imbeddded with the rest of the itemized charges.

So your payments were in fact rejected?

Are you based in Ireland?
Even though rejected payments may not have been obvious in the statement due to not appearing at the top - did you not notice your balance? The obligation is clearly on an individual to monitor their limit and if it hasn't reduced on the back of a payment as expected, should be queried immediately - not after 3 months.

Regardless of that have you tried to replicate the problem? Reading the below sounds like you did this several times and was not a one off.
So try to do this again and take screen prints all along the way etc etc.

NIB has some problems with reference numbers in the online banking system - Were you using NIB?