One Parent Review



Hi I am currently getting One Parent Payment. I was means tested and approved last year for this when an inspector called to my home, however I got an annual review form in the post the other day, I returned it and now I have an inspector calling to me again. Is this a new thing? I thought once they called to your house and you filled in the annual forms that was it. None of my circumstances have changed and form would have proved that so why is someone calling to me again? My friend is also getting this and has done for the past few years and she said she just gets a form and returns it and thats it, nobody calls to her home again. I am talking about Social Welfare payments in Ireland by the way as not sure where this site is
Nothing new but it would be good practice to 'home visit' a percentage of the self-review forms returned to keep the PAC happy! It would seem this is your lucky year!