One for horse.



Horse walks into pub and orders a pint. Why the long face enquires the barman........ I was born with it replies the horse. :lol
A guy walks into a pub and asks for a class of water. The Barman reaches down takes out a shotgun and points it in the guys face.

The guy looks at the barman, says thank you and leaves. Why?
Re: Hiccups ??

Because he'd effectively asked the barman to drown thirty children?
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Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper who sold his soul to Santa?
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No, but I heard about the dyslexic monk who often ponder into the early hours of the morning wondering if there was a Dog!
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...or the dyslexic pimp who bought a warehouse.....
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... A sandwich walks into a bar.... Barman says " Sorry, we don't serve food in here " ....
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A guy walks into a pub and asks for a class of water. The Barman reaches down takes out a shotgun and points it in the guys face.

The guy looks at the barman, says thank you and leaves. Why??


Barman spotted that yer man had hiccups and thought a good shock would sort it, hence the shotgun. Doh!
Re: Hiccups

What is the I.D.A...........The Dyslexic Association of Ireland.

"The guy looks at the barman, says thank you and leaves. Why?"

Why did he say "thank you", or why did he leave?

If you mean why did he leave, was it anything to do with the fact he had a shotgun pointed at his face?
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Polar bear walks into a bar and asks for a ....................Gin...
..................and....................................tonic.......................................please. Barman asks "why the big pause"? Polar bear answers "we all have them , we are born with them" :rollin

Man walks into a bar and hurts his shin as he didn't see it. Damn bars lying around...

Dyslexic bank robber walks into a bank and shouts "Air in the hands motherstickers, this is a fuckup!"
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three blondes walk into a bar....

Y'ud think one of them would of seen it!