"On Street Parking" in Public (or Private) residential estates?

Re: Parking by roadside

I live in a private housing estate with no gates and no signs up about the private nature of the place. We have had sporadic problems over the years with people using the streets as a park and ride facility.

just out of interest, what makes an estate a private estate?
Re: Parking by roadside

just out of interest, what makes an estate a private estate?
Ownership of the title of the land I think? In our case the land is owned by the management company and the development is not taken in charge by the local authority (well - they do refuse collection but nothing else).
Re: Parking by roadside

Ownership of the title of the land I think? In our case the land is owned by the management company and the development is not taken in charge by the local authority (well - they do refuse collection but nothing else).

Our estate is fnished 15 years and still not taken in charge by local authority. (not builders fault either) They have in fact refused to remove an abandoned car parked in visitor parking spaces as it was not on what they called a "public road". Would we be correct then in "warning off" anyone seen to be constantly parking all day with no obvious connection to any of the residences?
Is the estate privately managed by a properly incorporated management company - usually a limited liability company with the householders as members/shareholders? Or is it in limbo and neither properly privately managed nor taken in charge by the LA? If there is a management company then it is their responsibility and prerogative to deal with such issues as they (i.e. the board of directors under the auspices of the members) see fit.
No management company, just a regular small estate of about 20 detached & semi's with a residents association to which we all contribute so much a year for grasscutting common areas etc. It is apparently not uncommon for the LA here to take many years before taking estates in charge. Not sure but I think they get to keep some of the builders bond until they do. It's only awkward when such as an abandoned care crops up as happened once recently. The LA's solution was if the car "found itself" on the public road they could lift it.
I am very surprised that the LA would even countenance giving out such "advice"!

Think this was more a comment on where vehicles had to be before they could be lifted. Strangely enough though the vehicle disappeared a few days later.
Re: Parking by roadside

do some people really think they can drive into a housing estate and park up in front of a privately owned house and leave their car there for the day?

As others have already said, as long as the person parking their car has paid their car tax and is not obstructing the driveway, then they are just as entitled as the owner of the house to park on a public street.

I'm saying this as someone who has recently bought a house and has the space in front of my house constantly occupied by people working in the area, but who don't live there. Manners and what's 'right' don't come into it as it stands.
I probably would take a train from Kildare into the city centre before getting annoyed by issues like that.
Anyway, it looks like a nice public road with no no-parking or private property signs. So perfectly legal to park there, which means if anyone living there has a problem with it than bad luck. Maybe go to the local council and request a pay&display zone for the area.
But messing around with cones or giving out if someone parks there on a regular basis? Ridiculous.
pay and display zone in a private housing estate?? thats ridiculous. if you say its ok for people to park infront of a house in a housing estate, then people can drive out to the countryside and park their cars in peoples driveways. never heard of pay and display machines in a housing estate.

OP wrote:
"park by roadside next to an housing estate / in front on road without obstructing anyones path"

Looks to me like a public road and not inside whatever housing estate. And as long as it is a public road, regardless if it is in front of an estate or whatever, everyone can park as he/she wishes (as long as it is not illegal to do so). Why isn't it ok to park in front of a house if it is a public road?
The point here is *public* road.
I have the same issue - it has been ongoing for the last few weeks. Initially there was one car parked on the public road, arrive at 7, return at 7, 1 was OK I could still manoeuvre the car out of the drive way, but now there are three, all stuck to each other, so there is a risk that I could dent one of them whilst reversing, and I mean completely unintentionally as our car is quite long and the driveway quite narrow. I assume I'm to blame if this is the case??

Anyway based on the OP, it's a public road and there's nothing I can do about it - except learn the length of my car better!!
Thanks a lot for replies....
I was away in ennis for office trip and didnt have any internet access.. Some of the options given here are quite interesting. But i went back to work today and to rephrase my question :
Place i park is not in front of anyone's house. Its an empty stretch of Road in front of a house estate. There is nothing built on either side. Empty space to Park about 10 odd cars. And i repeat not in front of anyone's home.

And intimidation, today i noticed nail and wood screws thrown at the empty spaces. Isnt that a criminal Offence??

S Murphy
Its doesn't matter if its outside someones house. What matters is if its a public or private road a question you've not answered.

You also not answered what alternatives to parking here have you got.

If theres no signs about parking and clamping then its most likely public and even if it isn't, you've no way of knowing about parking restrictions and can't be clamped, towed or stickered unless theres signs warning you.

The flip side is, how are you going to prove who is doing this, unless you have CCTV to catch the person or have a guard on your car all the time its parked. Neither is practical. Did you ask any of the residents. Maybe theres a local thug/criminal, thats know for this kind of intimidation in the area. Did you report it to the Guards. They could tell you the same.
Its doesn't matter if its outside someones house. What matters is if its a public or private road a question you've not answered.

its a public road for flow traffic through to n4 from south circular road

You also not answered what alternatives to parking here have you got.
Only other option is leave car in kildare station and than walk about 2miles one way from hueston.
Or take a bus to heuston and do the same. Bear in mind am 55 and have slight case of arthritis..

If theres no signs about parking and clamping then its most likely public and even if it isn't, you've no way of knowing about parking restrictions and can't be clamped, towed or stickered unless theres signs warning you.

There are no sign's whats so ever. As i said after a row of houses..there is about 50 metres stretch of road with nathing on either side and no yellow lines or parking restrictions.

Reporting to gards.. thats what on me mind next... already saw damage done to car ...heard abuse and now NAILS... I have seen the person who always move the cones around and have picture of him on me mobile and even pointing finger and hurling abuse...
its just..am so sad this its a small matter and some people(i know its just one person) making sucha big fuss outa it...

S Murphy
And my parking in no way obstruct any home... or spare parking infront of home... its an empty stretch of wide road without affecting any traffic on either side.

S Murphy
today i noticed nail and wood screws thrown at the empty spaces. Isnt that a criminal Offence??
A breach of the littering laws perhaps? Can't see that this, in itself, constitutes intimidation or anything more serious though.
A breach of the littering laws perhaps? Can't see that this, in itself, constitutes intimidation or anything more serious though.

Ah may be. But seen a dent on car, got abuse hurled, cones been moved to places, now NAILs thrown purposely to damage vehicles... did those idiots think if fast driving car(even at 50km/h) had a flat or exploding tyre coz of this stupidity..what typa scene it can cause..damage to both property n life.

I am looking for alternate way of parking, even checking letting websites. But most of the options are an additional cost.

Public road...public parking...i pay motor tax, then how come one can disrupt it.

S Murphy
But seen a dent on car
But you didn't see how it happened?
got abuse hurled
If this happened then you should have reported it to the Gardaí.
cones been moved to places
Report this to the local authority perhaps?
now NAILs thrown purposely to damage vehicles...
Did you see them being "thrown"? Do you know for a fact that they were put there to "purposely damage vehicles"?

Ultimately if you are being subjected to actual intimidation (and not just inferring intimidation from things that may happen while you are not there to witness them) then report this to the relevant authorities.

Obviously intimidation and vandalism are unacceptable and should be dealt with by the relevant authorities. Other than that there is not much that you can do as far as I can see. And I would go so far as to say that on balance you might be better of avoiding this area due to the potential stress, hassle and possible damage/cost that might be involved. Some people would call this giving into bullies but I would simply call it pragmatism in a world that is seldom perfect.