Ombudsman appearing in front of Oireachtas Finance Committee at 2 pm today

Hi brendan-how could I watch this again as its not coming up when I press on the link
Just sent an email that was on the website explaining that I have difficulties listening in
What comes accross to me on the Transcript.

1. Contract law takes precedence ,
In laymans terms ,once you sign for something ,it will be very difficult to win.
2. Ombudsman,s answers ,
Very obvious , that they operate on a long-winded quasi -judicial way. There is NO WAY that that can be construed as Consumer friendly. Ombudsman has become as formal as a full blown legal process.
3. Their judgments.
They obviously operate to the Letter of the Law.
Maybe I was naiive I had hoped they would operate to the Spirit of the Law.
4. He had too many comments that people now claim because they are in financial difficulty etc, he does not also see people only Now Know they have been conned.
I pick -up Ombudsmans Banking bias here.

They are not fit for purpose.
Thanks barney76.

+ Noted Ombudsmans comments on cases over 6 years old.
Suggest , before anyone starts complaining to any financial institution , write to that institution to get all and every bit of info they can.Keep everything copied and in writing.
I expect the 6 year rule to be eventually broken, BUT if customer has no info @ hand you can be sure Mr Bank won,t.