Oil on road caused accident


Registered User
I was in an accident last week, in which my car lost control going around a bend and i hit a ditch and rolled it, thankfully i didn't get hurt or no one else was involved. However when i say my car it was my brother's car i was driving as mine was getting serviced. i only have third party on this car. The car is pretty damaged and would cost more to fix than its worth, so i am now down a car as i've given my brother my car.
I called the Gardai after the accident and they arrived out a few minutes later. Looking at the road there was oil on it, my car which had rolled back on to the road was leaking oil but there was what looked look diesel spills before and after the accident spot. The council arrived and started to deal with the oil on the road. The Gaurds took my details and told me to let the insurance company know there was oil on the road and that they would confirm this. Now as i'm only third party it is not the insurance companies problem, but i am now without a car, is the council liable for oil on the road or do i just be grateful that i wasn't hurt. Incidently another car lost control and crashed at the very same spot two days later.
You need to follow up with Gardai.... to see if they found out who spilled oil.
Council will only be responsible if 1. they spilled oil. or 2. they were made aware of oil by someone and didnt take action within the appropriate timeframe.

Very difficult to get recovery in these types of cases.