o2 Broadband - Experiences?


Registered User
Anyone got any experience of O2 broadband yet, good bad or indifferent?

Am considering switching to it but looking for experiences before I sign up for the contract!
Got it for business and it was a god send. Any location it usually worked, though sometimes I'd to move about to get a good broadband speeds. Did go down once and tech support were awful, just said "oh we've been getting a lot of calls like that..."

Would reccomend it though.
i am 1 whole year trying to get my billing resolved wih this shambles of a company. every month i speak to a rep that says sorry, next month your bill will be corrected - just pay this amount instead. Every month its like reinventing the wheel with these people. they send out a threatening collection letter i call back about getting extra money removed from my bill.


Conversation today went like this:

Freindly O2 staff: How can i help?
Me: Please check your records, i am being overbilled again for the 11th month in a row. Last month (insert name of last months freindly o2 staff member) said next month it would be fixed.
Freindly O2 staff:Sorry, you will have to ring Customer service, i work in collections.
me: yeah, see, is that not the problem? Cant YOU ring Customer Service for me? explain the issue and get the bill sorted? are you not in the same company???
Freindly O2 staff:OK sir, ill ring them and ask them to ring you back.
me: arghhhhhhhhhhhh