not office wear...

if they meet the public then i reckon appropriate apparel should apply but if not then, i don't care so long as there are no bulging bellies, lovehandles or boobs onshow because of illfitting clothes. Strong perfumes also do bug me as i have hayfever.
the old suit and tie convention is handy though. All you need is a series of shirts and ties, no thought required and it does make the scruffier among us look presentable. So whats wrong with that?

I couldnt be bothered having to put thought and preparation into how I look at work, current solution is quick, easy & effective.
Betsy Og said:
the old suit and tie convention is handy though. All you need is a series of shirts and ties, no thought required ..

Reminds me of one of my favourite Norm Peterson lines ..

Carla is late one day and her excuse is that she couldn't decide what to wear. When Norm sympathizes saying "Yeah, I hate that", Carla's retort is "But you only have 2 suits".

Norm "Yeah, but I have 3 ties".
Re the body odour, I recall years back working with a very sporty girl, who would run 5 mile before work every morning. The problem was that she didn't do any kind of bathroom / shower / soap and water thing before dressing for work.
As she was the receiptionist in the office the boss had to have words with her. It worked fine for a couple of days then back to her old ways.
Last we heard she left (she didn't like the companies attitude to her personal fragrance) and was last heard of working as a stewardess on a charter airline... I really hope that she changed the ways, 4+ hours of BO in an enclosed space...
Must be an absolute nightmare having to speak to someone about that kind of thing (BO etc), with the employment acts in one hand & your rosary beads in the other !!, I'd say its a HR minefield.
MissRibena said:
I absolutely don't care what people wear. In fact, I think the whole thing about what is worn when is fairly anal and harks back to a time when "etiquette" was used as a subversive means of control rather than a pact mutual respect. The clothes do not make the man and image should not have the importance it does. I wish people didn't buy into the conformist stuff so easily

Kildrought said:
Don't care what anyone wears as long as a) they get their work done and deliver results and b) aren't smelly

Completely agree with both points of views!
so no-one has any major issue with visible underwear, be it bra straps, thongs or jocks?
or age inappropriate clothing, as I've heard it called recently 1664, looks 16 from the back and 64 from the front...
Well I don't have any issue with it. If someone wants to dress "16" at 64, that's fine by me. I don't buy the whole idea of there being "age appropriate" clothes in the first place.

Usually I'm too busy to notice what people are wearing at work but I'm no fashionista at the best of times. If someone wants to wear a suit and tie, that's equally ok.

Live and let live I say. Work gets enough of me by having my 7 or 8 hours a day during the prime of my life; they don't get to control any more than the bear minimum as far as I'm concerned (and I don't mean my undies before DrM gets to that comment!! haha).

whats the great bother with visible underwear? Never quite understood why VPL is the worst thing ever
VPL isn't the worst of it, how about that guy in the corner who on casual friday things he's Puff Daddy and insists on wearing jeans with a crotch around his ankles and his 'designer' CK's on display.
A nice delicate summery top with spaghetti straps but a big bustenhalter under it (spaghetti straps = 1 CM wide, bra strap = 5CM wide), even better when top is pale colour and bra is black (i'll throw in here that I'm talking about female colleagues, but I'm open to guys getting in touch with their feminine side)...
Someone wearing popsocks and a skirt thats shorter than said popsocks... some may say popsocks on their own deserve a place on the list!
The thong one almost a given at this point...
popsocks... explain

re other stuff you mention, either its ignored/unseen even (not a looker) or attention catching (looker - in which case can do no wrong)
Don’t see what the problem with most of the things mentioned. Realistically none of these items cause any hazards-it’s not likely that a flip flop will fly across the office and break a Pc. The only way in which they may cause a problem is by not being atheistically pleasing to some and if the person wearing them is happy with how they look then there should be no problem
If a person is a nice person and good at there job, what they are wearing is irrelevant, well actually if they are not a nice person and do nothing at work-their clothes are still irrelevant.
How about bare feet- some of de laydeez are known to walk around the office in their bare feet in this weather?
Actually wearing flip flops can be considered a hazzard for health and safety...same goes for open toe shoes...depending on what dept you work in, if anything fell on your toes you would be better protected against breaks and cuts with closed toe shoes.
My peeve is the usual summer dellemia for the fellas....shorts and socks with sandles...and for the women, Very low cut tops...some of those strappy tops are extremely baring and not everyone likes or wants to see THAT much cleavage!!!
Sarah said:
Actually wearing flip flops can be considered a hazzard for health and safety...same goes for open toe shoes...depending on what dept you work in, if anything fell on your toes you would be better protected against breaks and cuts with closed toe shoes.

I picked a bad example with the flip-flops. If for some reason in your job wearing a certain item would cause a hazard it is understandable that you may be required not to wear them but otherwise it should be irrelevant what you wear.
agree with Mell61 on the pop socks - horrendous looking things (especially if the tops can be seen - ick), although sometimes a necessary evil :eek:
muffin1973 said:
agree with Mell61 on the pop socks - horrendous looking things (especially if the tops can be seen - ick), although sometimes a necessary evil :eek:

I'm still waiting for an explanation of what "pop socks" are.