
When I was studying in the UK during the 80's there was a large Arab contingent in the course. Most of 'em were a distant sort of way. They kept themselves to themselves. Fine by me.

But there were a handful who, if you engaged them in conversation, would tell you (loud and proud) that their great ambition was to kill a westerner, or a jew.
YES! They would tell you so to your face! Proudly!

We used to laugh them off as nutcases.
Nobodys laughing any more.

And by the way...the course was not a purely academic one. It had to do with certain skills that - shall I say - could be easily turned to violent effect. And have been.
They're not thick you know

The Bigley is a Leprechaun stunt really was an insult to these fine chaps' intelligence.

We tend to believe that because fundamentalist Islam reveals itself in the most savage disregard for human life including their own that they must be intellectually challenged as well. Not a bit of it. 9/11 was satanically ingenious. What a spectacular success in their grizzly terms on very modest resources. Imagine what they would do if they actually developed more sophisticated capabilities. We must prevent that at all costs.

I could not agree more. Just because they are not the most industrious of races does not mean they are stupid. They have the same intelligence as anyone else. Many of them will not rest until the west is "Islamified". Did you know more people in Manchester now go to the Mosques there than to the Christian churches there? I do not mind people practising their religion, it is when they tell me how to run my life that I worry. No christian church is allowed , by law, in Saudi Arabia, for example.

How can the west defend itself when we have people like Piggy? I suppose in 1938 they had Chamberlain, but at least the Nazis did not make themselves in to suicide bombs or hack peoples heads off.

Whats a troll? Do you call everything that you do not agree with or like a "troll". Do you think I should have my fingers cut off ? As far as I am aware, I am in the west, and I am subject to western law, not islamic law.

No John, I just call you a troll. No one could be that stupid on purpose.

We can see pretty clearly who the TROLL is John, so ignore that This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language. I've put up with it for a long time on this Board.

Some people don't like my views. They are of course entitled to their opinion, we are free to differ. I regard that as one of the great adavantages of Western Democracy. One which I'll gladly fight to defend.

They, on the other hand, cannot abide anyone or anything which varies from their own viewpoint, and when they start to lose the debate they quickly revert to the fundamentalist with his head!

Isn't it curious how closely they then begin to resemble the very people they defend so vehemently, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of barbarity!

Such contributors would make wonderful fundamentalist muslims.

It appears to me that certain contributors have proved beyond any doubt that the war in Iraq is an unjust one, where tens of thousands of innocent people have been killed in the name of us in the west. John, I don't know who you think you're fooling with your nonsense. The 60 odd people who visit this site every day are regulars here. So are you. I have no qualm in saying I admire people like Piggy and Daltonr for standing up against ignorance. They and others have both pointed out that they oppose violence of any kind, no matter who's name it's in. You quite obviously don't give a damn about people. The only thing you care about is your own fear and scoring points in some pissing contest by blatantly telling lies and falsehoods about others. You might get off on that but it's very obvious to the rest of us that that's all you're doing. Now elcid wants to turn a good debate into his usual racist rantings. I pity your fear boys. It will undoubtedly ruin your lives.

JaneEyre is attempting to drag a perfectly reasonable debate down, by making a personal attack against the like of EiCid and me. JaneEyre states that in her opinion the war in Iraq is unjust, and goes on and on. Not once does she mention the injustices on the other side. We can see how balanced her opinions are. I feel priviliged not to be on the list of contributers she praises.
She accuses Eicid and me of spreading "lies and falsehoods". I feel a bit like poor old Salman Rusdie, accused of spreading lies and falsehoods. Please elaborate JaneEyre : what did I say that is not true. As someone else said, we live in a democracy, and I am very glad to do so. I would not like to live under the kind of democracy we see in most of the middle eastern countries. Actually, Israel is the only real democracy in the middle east, with free elections etc.
To clear up another point, I do oppose violence from all quarters. However, there is such thing as a just war. eg, in 1939, would the western world have been right to lie down under Hitler? I think not.
While the US and UK and in the process in setting up free elections in Iraq - the first in decades there - and are there at the request of the current Iraq administration, I think it is morally wrong for insurgents - many of whom are not Iraquis - to be sniping and bombing from civilian bases.
Finally, as should be obvious, I speak as someone who is not a racist , who has friends from many nationalities, and unlike many on this board I have been to arab countries.
John's falsehoods, trollings and racist remarks

"William Fields, did you learn to spell " AMerica " in your islam and world indoctrination classes ? Why not get more study in now before ramadan, you may find it more difficult then."

"Piggy claims "We (Sic ) have slaughtered THOUSANDS of innocent people in IRAQ by our bombs ". You admit you have not seen them on TV Piggy. What makes you so certain than THOUSANDS of INNOCENT people were killed by our ( not their bombs ! ) bombs there?"

"You have presumably been educated and brought up in the west, and enjoy a certain amount of freedom. If you side with the islamic militants, you are really giving a kick in the teeth to the west."

n the 21st century the real problem will be the rise of militant islam. They will not stop hacking off peoples heads because of people like piggy - in fact people like her actually encourage these insurgents / terrorists.

How can the west defend itself when we have people like Piggy?

As far as I am aware, I am in the west, and I am subject to western law, not islamic law.

All of the above fits into those three categories John. You're either a troll or a very irrational human being.

P.S...we know you're Tizona.
Jane Eyre

Here's how their logic works John:

War in Iraq is unjust - therefore indiscriminate worldwide muslim violence is justified.
End of argument.

Here's my position;

War in Iraq is unjust. But not my idea.
Indiscriminate worldwide Muslim extremism against non muslims is unjustified.
End of argument.

Wheres the racism or bigotry in that?
Where are the anti-beheading muslim protests in the streets?
Why don't 'moderate' muslims step up and object en masse?
Westerners (including the Irish) have marched by their millions in protest at the war in Iraq. Muslims are often at the front of those marches. But where are the muslims now that an Irish woman aid worker is under threat of beheading?

I really wish it was Jane Eyre over there in Margaret Hassans place. I'd like her to feel the fear, and witness her begging on TV for her life, while the vast muslim majority simply stands by watching - in SILENCE.

Hello, someone mention my name?

I just watched the latest movie release starring Janes pal Mr.Zarkawi.

It features some poor Iraqi guy called Yassar Musil.

After the usual rambling verses from the Koran being read out over the kneeling victim Yassar, we see him placed on the ground and a 4 inch knife is then used to slowly slice and saw his head off. The usual shouts of Allah Akhbar are used to try and cover up the grisly noises of moaning, coughing and crying from the victim.

They pause about half way through the job and adjust the camera position so we can properly see the blood spurting out of his neck, and you can hear Yassar attempting to cough up the blood flooding into his severed windpipe and lungs.

Our hero then carries on and finishes the job, in the name of Allah.

Apparently Yassar was a western spy.
Serves him right then!
Yassar Musil - Beheaded By Ansar Al-Sunnah Army 22-10-04 RIP.

Margaret Hassan...your 15 minutes of fame is next.

Who went to Iraq to try and free Ken Bigley? Who was on the news today on behalf of all British Muslims pleading for this new hostages life?

Instead of having your head in the sand Elcid take it out and you'll see that Muslim leaders the world over have distanced themselves from extremists. Islamic Extremism is NOT a representation of Islam. Everyone except you can see that.

Hey! I'm not talking about a token visit by a few Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) representatives to Iraq. Nor am I talking about interviews with muslim prayer-goers on the way to the mosque!


You'll never see it. Because, unlike you, the average muslim on the street has a pretty clear idea of what their brothers are all about and where this is all headed. You're the one with your head in the sand.


Or even just a Muslim website with clear and unequivocally worded condemnation by large numbers of posters?
A Bulletin Board like this one?

All I can find are 'moderate' muslim websites which say "well of course these beheadings are wrong because Islam is a religion of peace(!), BUT what about.....".

All Islamic 'condemnation' of muslim atrocities is qualified by a big BUT.

Lets have no BUTs about it!!