No load funds... Advices?



Hello Folks,

I'm looking into investing 100k euro for a long term, 20 years at least. I'm 35 married with one infant child and wife. I'm home owner with no mortgage. I'm not Irish but I live and work in Ireland (been here 5 years) and I'm not very familiar with the investment product offerings in Ireland.

Ideally I was looking for a no load funds tracking indexes as I want to eliminate management fees. Do you have any suggestion on what to do?

You can start by searching AAM for 'index fund' and 'ETF'. There aren't the same variety of investment options availiable in Ireland that you would find in the States, 1% yearly management fees is the low cost option in index funds :eek: but ETFs (Exchange traded funds) offer lower costs (.25-.4%) and are tradeable like stocks.
Oh, and by the way, as a non-Irish person living and working over here, I found Eddie Hobbs's book Loot a very helpful starting point in explaining investing, Irish style. He's not loved by everyone on this board, but there's very little material out there that's aimed specifically at the Irish market, and it does explain a lot of the basics.