Nil Tax Returns and Qualifying for Old Age Pension


Registered User
Does anyone know if a self employed person whose net income is below the income threshold for PRSI can make a voluntary contribution via their tax returns so as to maintain their stamps for the Contributory Old Age Pension.

Know of a case of a very sick person whose is just about to retire and whose income went below the threshold for one year only and this will knock him from qualifying for the pension.
If the income is below the PRSI threshold then PRSI will not be collected by Revenue on Self-assessment. However check out the Voluntary COntributions section in Dept of Social & Family Affairs who may be able to help.
The office is in Waterford and there is a contribution I think of €253pa.
Thanks for that. However the year in question goes back a few years and the man was in hospital for a period in that year. Didn't realise that he would have to keep up the PRSI payments so as to qualify. I wonder could it be done retrospecively.