NIB tracker 2.79%



I am thinking of changing over to NIB tracker.

Has anyone else changed from a different lender to NIB?

I am currently with AIB. Much hassle involved in switching?
How is NIB's customer service?
How did you fare with legal fees?

Disadvantage - nearest NIB branch is 30 miles away.

Advice - appreciated.

Doing it at the moment - should have redeemed my ebs mortgage last thursday but the idiots delayed forwarding a redemption figure to my solicitor so it should go through today at last.

nib customer service seems okay - I was getting agreement over Christmas which wasn't ideal but it has been relatively stress free.

Haven't got the money for the legal fees yet.

I intend posting the whole experience, including the costs involved, when everything's in.

Suspect your distance from nib branch should not be an issue - it took me two visits but it could have been done in one.
Hi Oysterman, any idea of the estimated legal costs in switching? understand nib pay 600 euro towards cost.

I'll post the exact amount (VAT, outlays, stamp duties of various sorts) as soon as I get statement from the legal eagle.