New visitors - where did you hear of Askaboutmoney?

From doing searches for various things and finding askaboutmoney threads coming up wiht many of the answers I'm searchin for
GREAT PROGRAM thank you!!!
I love this site and have reccomended it to anyone with random questions or who need advice or opinions.
I also originally found it from a Google search for a property location!
I originally found it when I was Googling for information on Mortgages (when buying our house)!

Great site!!!
looking for information on deeds registration on iol search. directed to your site. got info i was looking for.thanks.
From podcast on the sunday business show on Today FM.Also see it in features in the Indo and Sindo.
I heard of this site on, someone posted a link to a thread here. Hi everyone.
There was a link for your site on that's where I first saw your site which was just as well because Hobbs never answered the email I sent him.
Who said that Johnny1 was asking for advice? For all we know he could have been a prospective client inquiring about the services offered by EH or something like that.
Hear you on "The Last Word" regularily and decided to check it out, and have a few finacial questions that I need answers for so here goes!
Hi Brendan.

i was browsing and came across the site. log in every day. great site. well done....


P.S. have told a good few ppl about it also.... (pats myself on the back)
Found you last year, whilst using Google to seek information on the INBS demutualisation.
I haven't a clue where I heard about this place. I've known of it's existence for a good while, but have only just joined.