New To All This - Property Investment


Edel V


Am hoping that somebody out there can help with some questions I have. Myself and my husband have invested in a property in Carlow and tenants moved into it at the end of December. My question is I want everything to be above board and legal but have no idea what to do or how to go about it. I have some idea about registering the property but not sure with who ? As for telling the Revenue about the property I don't know where to start ? Anyway sorry for sounding so ignorant but we kind of fell into buying the property and now need to educate ourselves on the technical side of being 'investors'. Any information gratefully accepted and apologies again for being so naive.

title altered slightly by ajapale
Re: New To All This

You must register your property with the Private Residential Tenancy Board. You can learn more about this .
You do not have to contact Revenue but you must make a tax return at the end of the year. If you are well clued in you can do this yourself. If not then use an accountant for at least the first year and learn from the information that they give you.
You can get more info on the revenue web site at Their [broken link removed] gives a good overview.
would you mind if I ask you how the rental market is down in Carlow. I am thinking of purchasing a property in the Laurels..I know it isn't the best area but it is very affordable and good for getting my foot in the investment market.

As I am not registered with this web site, could you email me on .

would really appreciate any advise
