New Revenue website from Wed 7th June

Brendan Burgess

Revenue will launch a redesigned website on 7 June 2017

Our aim is to provide the best possible information source for our customers. Key features of the new site will include:

  • information that is easy to find, easy to read and easy to understand
  • a layout that can be properly viewed on any device, from a mobile phone to a desktop.
Our goal is to provide the information you need to meet your tax and duty obligations in as clear and straightforward a way as possible. To this end we consulted with customer focus groups, our own staff, tax practitioners and representative bodies. We also took account of recent research into how people actually look for and consume online content.

We are radically changing the presentation of our information to help you to:

  • scan the content quickly
  • access additional or related information, if you require it
  • access relevant online services.
We are using plain language throughout and reducing the use of unnecessary technical terms. We are also making extensive use of examples. We have not made changes to our online services. When the new website goes live in June our online services will continue to operate as they do now.

We intend to continue to improve the quality of the information on our new website. You can help us by telling us what you think by using the feedback facility on the new website. This will allow you to share your views and suggestions with us at the click of a button.
New Revenue Website - redirects
A Chara,

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Revenue Commissioners will launch a new website on Wednesday 7 June.

You can read more about the new website in an article which was recently published in the ‘News’ section on the homepage of our current website.

Once our new site goes live, any links your website carries to pages on the old Revenue website will no longer work. However, to avoid lots of broken links we have implemented redirects.

From 7 June, anyone clicking on a link to the old Revenue website will, in most cases, be redirected to the general area for that information on the new website. Unfortunately we cannot be more accurate with redirects because the information on our new website has been completely reorganised and rewritten.

In a small number of cases we have not been able to implement redirects because the original content has been dispersed across a number of locations on our new website or dropped altogether because it was no longer relevant.

Redirects will steer most people in the right direction but they are not as precise as specific links. To ensure that visitors to your website can access what you consider to be the relevant pages on you may wish to review and update links after our new site goes live.

Ken Monaghan
Communications Unit
Revenue Commissioners
Block 8-10 Dublin Castle Dublin 2