Neither person working but own houses - sick or other entitlements?


Registered User
I need any sort of advice on this that may be able to assist. Moved back from U.S. last year . I just finished my contract as I'm pregnant and don't have any entitlement to maternity leave. Of course, hubby has been getting physio for last couple of weeks to no avail to find out that he has a more pressing issue so has been (and will be) out of work for another few weeks . We have just bought our own home, own another (where we used to live ) that is being rented out and a few years ago started the process of a section 23 purchase (which should be closing soon) .. From previous posting and investigation it appears that I'm not entitled to maternity . same thing seems to go for hubby - not here in 2004 to have 39 stamps and cannot carry these across from U.S. for benefits. Any idea what the options are ? Social welfare officer ?? Don't really want to go this route asthey would probably laugh as we have investment property and are home owners but we really need some income to get us over this hump.. (we have one child and another on the way any day - or hour !) Not exactly the return to Ireland I had imagined !!!
So am I reading this correctly. You have three properties and no income, apart from rent from one of the properties. I must admire your courage. And another child on the way. I hope it works out for you.

Yes - that's it !! Bought one to live in years ago and then upped and moved to the States. Then while over there bought one but that process dragged out - we had planned on selling that before moving back but we still haven't closed on it . Now most recently we've bought our new home.. it probably sounds a little crazy but if we are in a rut we plan on selling one or both of the properties - section 23 first and then other , as the other has a tenant and covers costs.. We'd be pretty much mortgage free if we did that . Can't sell section 23 yet as we haven't even closed on it .. Of course I can go out and work again - as I have been for over a decade, and hubby is still employed .. it's just a short term bump right now so any advice on what the options are from an entitlements point of view would be great. I'm expecting 'zero' to be what we get as we have both worked combined of 30 plus years and I don't expect to be disappointed but if anyone has any suggestions that would help I'd really like to hear them.