Neighbours wants hedge replaced with wall

Why can't they build the wall and you keep the hedge?

Originally Posted by johnd
Hedge has grown rather thick on their side and would cover the boundary between us.

Could you not just cut the hedge right back on their half so they can build their own wall & then you just need to maintain the height to stop it going over to their side (& your side obviously).

You sound like a very accomadating neightbour - I know I'd rather keep a mature hedge rather than a wall. I also admire the fact you offered to cut their side it also. Seems like you are doing all the "giving" & while I appreciate you want to stay on good terms with them, you should both be happy with the solution (especially as you have no obligation to remove the hedge & replace with a wall)
Sam h - thank you for your comments. I would prefer to keep the hedge as it is. We have a wall at the end of the garden which we planted with honeysuckle and ivy and with the hedge on both sides it looks quite nice.
Having said that they have been through the mill healthwise and it would seem churlish of us to object. As someone said we have the option of growing plants on the wall and it would be covered in no time.

Nothing has been agreed yet so its still open to changes and suggestions on both sides. thanks again for all your opinions.

If you've offered to maintain both sides of the hedge why is their poor health a justification for building the wall ? If they had to maintain the hedge I could understand their request. You're an exceptionally generous neighbour to even contemplate contributing to the wall never mind removing the hedge. I wouldn't do it under the circumstances you describe.
Maybe they could erect a fence instead of a wall on their side - it would be cheaper, think you should keep the hedge and maybe point out that a hedge gives better security, it's easy to climb over a fence or wall, not so easy to climb over a hedge!
Wouldnt it be as cheap for the neighbours to get in someone once a year to cut their side of the hedge as spend the money on a wall. I wouldnt know how much a new wall would cost but surely must be in the thousands, thats an awful lot of hours for a local handyman.

This is something my parents worked out as being as cost effective when they werent really able to cut back the top of their hedge easily.
Just jumping on this old thread to seek advice. There was never a wall built between the neighbours and I and only ever a small wire fence. (mostly rusted away now) Neighbours planted some bushes on there side and these have now grown to over 9ft. We tried to keep the bushes trimmed back on our side but as they are so high we can only trim up to head height. When the neighbours had the hedge trimmed maybe once or twice in the past they would trim the trees on our side. Now the neighbour wants us to pay to cut the bushes coming into our side. We never agreed to have the bushes planted, anyway such an agreement was never needed as all the bushes were planted on their side. When the bushes were cut in the past our garage was used for access as they don't have access only via house. The bushes don't effect our light so the height is of no concern to us, but they are so wide that they do come into our garden especially over head height. But again this is not a problem. We did have very large trees down the other side of the garden and we cut these down as they were just too large, so have no problem paying for this type of thing, but just feel that it the bushes are not our responsibility so why should we have them trimmed. If you plant bushes and trees, I would see that it's your responsibility that they are kept somewhat managed.

Is this fair or should we pay half. I should also say that the neighbour said that they would trim half the width on their side and we would have to pay for the other half to be trimmed.
You could start your own thread. This is really old.

Personally I'd scalp the bushes so short, I'd not have to maintain them for ages. if they want it done differently. They can do it.
You should sit down and talk to your neighbours about the situation and give your reasons why they should go 50/50 as you arehappy to leave the hedge as it is
Cold cake you do not have to pay a red cent for this and can request them to trim their hedge on your side back to the boundry if you wish to as it is not your hedge