Neighbours complaint re tenants

That is the normal thing to do over here - drive through any residential area early morning and you will find lots of pillows and duvets hanging out the window.
Absolutely a 'continental' thing to do.

It's widespread in Germany and Switzerland and, having lived there for years, I'm in the habit of doing it as well - not out the window, but once a week if I manage to get a reasonably dry day :rolleyes:, I'll hang all the duvets out on the line to air them.

Dust mites don't like cool fresh air.
I can't even contact the complainer as she rang on a private number and refused to give me her name so I can't let her know I've acted on it.
Keep a written log of when this person called you, the fact that she didn't wish to give her name or number, what was complained about, who you contacted in relation to the complaint (other neighbours, your tenants etc.) with dates and details just in case she decided to contact the PRTB. At least that way you have a written record of the complaint and your response to it.
Ive had problems with lovely posh young ladies in an apartment next to mine who had drug fuelled parties all day and all night

Sorry to go off topic, but how could you possibly know they were taking drugs inside their apartment? Or are you just guessing?
Sorry to go off topic, but how could you possibly know they were taking drugs inside their apartment? Or are you just guessing?

They used to make calls to their dealer from their balcony (presumably the best signal for the mobile, but literally 2 feet from my bedroom window) and would loudly discuss what goods (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and charley were the terms of reference used) they wanted and for how much.

Mind you, a party that runs from 7pm til 2pm the next day usually has more than a few beers fuelling it.
Whether it is right or wrong, a landlord is responsible, under the Residential Tenancies Act 2004, for the behaviour (or anti-social behaviour) of their tenants both inside the property and to the neighbouring properties and their residents.

A third party can make a claim against the landlord of anti-social tenants which may cost the landlord up to several thousands of euro in damages awarded to the third party.

I would suggest that you put it in writing to the tenants that there have been complaints to you about their behaviour/partying/noise or whatever. As their landlord, you are obliged to inform the tenants of the situation and that if the third party succeeds in a claim for damages, you will be looking to them for re-reimbursement. Furthermore, antisocial behaviour by tenants can invoke a notice of termination and eviction after 28 days and in more serious cases, eviction within 7 days.

By putting it in writing (and keeping a copy), you are admitting that you have been informed of the situation by a third party and that you have taken action - which, may at least, reduce the amount of damages awarded against you in the event of a claim with the PRTB.
Are people not allowed to have BBQs now? I must have missed that piece of legislation.

I think if a very easy going neighbour is saying, they just need to settle in, it is code for they are causing disruption.

I did not tell OP to evict said tenant. But they have had one complaint from a seriously peed off neighbour, and a less than ringing endorsement from another, it is wise to keep a watch on it. No?
It's been almost 2 weeks and no further complaints. It seems to have been a one off party that annoyed one neighbour (the initial phonecall) and I contacted another neighbour who said that yes they had a party but they had no issues with them. By saying 'they need to settle in' I gathered that they meant they need to maybe get to know some of the neighbours and work with them not against them.

Problem is my tenants are probably 30-40 years younger than some of the original neighbours so there may always be not only an age difference but a cultural difference as they're polish. I'm pushing 40 and when I lived there I wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms either and I lived a very quiet life. I was pleasant to the neighbours that spoke to me but there were plenty that didn't.

I would completely understand if I had anti social tenants but every time I've been up (and I've been up twice since) there's nothing happening and the house is immaculate. In fact the garden is in far better condition than the last tenant kept it. If they were having constant parties with people coming and going as the complaint seemed to state, surely there would be some sign of it?
Slightly off topic but this made me laugh. Years ago I had a very stylish friend who had a great talent for house design and decor. She had a small house off Donore Avenue which she had done up to the nines.

After a visit to France she took to airing her duvet by hanging it out the window. Her neighbours who had a wreck of a house - door not painted for generations - complained - they were shocked by the duvet hanging out the window!

I was looking for a simple lease and in one it was forbidden to hang washing out of the window.. and you had to wash the windows 4 times a year...