neighbour throwing out foodwaste

Have you tried chatting to them?

You also need to get a cat, when it brings dead magpies home drop them over your neighbors wall as a gift
Do you know whether your neighbours own or rent the property? If they are renting, you can direct complaints to their landlord.
Do you know whether your neighbours own or rent the property? If they are renting, you can direct complaints to their landlord.

What do you think a landlord could or should do in such a situation?
Phone the Council Environment Section. Also worth trying would be your local HSE office. Councils would take this very seriously. As for previous thread comment (off topic) that pertained to barking - a dog warden has NO REMIT whatsoever in this. check the law on this if need be. My local warden is very good, operates a policy of as little or no kill policy as possible and fulfils his remit. Barking is not his remit and is commonly but wrongly thought to be the case.
I've just read through all the posts. Is there over reaction? Are we talking about little bits of bread been fed to the birds? Or are we talking chicken carcasses and worse being thrown out?
I'd say we're talking a lot more than a few crusts :) My father would throw out a lot of food scraps for the birds, now not a chicken carcass but leftover veg, bread, dinner remnants etc stuff that will be cleared totally by them, he throws them on the ditch and it does draw a good few birds. But his ditch is a good distance from his house and there are nothing but fields around him.

It sounds like someone who was more used to that system of waste management but is now living in suburbia :)