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Unbelievable! :mad

IRA statement on McCartney killing

The following is the full text of a statement by the Provisional IRA on the death of Belfast man Robert McCartney.

Representatives of Oglaigh na hEireann met with Bridgeen Hagans, the partner of Robert McCartney and with his sisters before our statement of 25 February was issued.

The meeting lasted five and a half hours. During this time the IRA representatives gave the McCartney family a detailed account of our investigation.

Our investigation found that after the initial melee in Magennis’s bar, a crowd spilled out onto the street and Robert McCartney, Brendan Devine and two other men were pursued into Market Street.

Four men were involved in the attacks in Market Street on the evening of 30 January. A fifth person was at the scene. He took no part in the attacks and was responsible for moving to safety one of the two people accompanying Robert McCartney and Brendan Devine.

One man was responsible for providing the knife that was used in the stabbing of Robert McCartney and Brendan Devine in Market Street. He got the knife from the kitchen of Magennis’s Bar. Another man stabbed Robert McCartney and Brendan Devine.

A third man kicked and beat Robert McCartney after he had been stabbed in Market Street. A fourth man hit a friend of Robert McCartney and Brendan Devine across the face with a steel bar in Market Street.

The man who provided the knife also retrieved it from the scene and destroyed it. The same man also took the CCTV tape from the bar, after threatening a member of staff and later destroyed it. He also burned clothes after the attack.

Reports in the media have alleged that up to 12 IRA Volunteers were involved in the events in Market Street. Our investigation found that this is not so. Of the four people directly involved in the attacks in Market Street, two were IRA Volunteers. The other two were not. The IRA knows the identity of all these men.

The build-up to the attack and stabbings was also outlined to the family and subsequently set out publicly in the IRA’s statement of 25 February. The IRA representatives detailed the outcome of the internal disciplinary proceedings thus far and stated in clear terms that the IRA was prepared to shoot the people directly involved in the killing of Robert McCartney.

The McCartney family raised their concerns with the IRA representatives. These included: Firstly, the family made it clear that they did not want physical action taken against those involved. They stated that they wanted those individuals to give a full account of their actions in court.

Secondly, they raised concerns about the intimidation of witnesses. The IRA’s position on this was set out in unambiguous and categoric terms on February 15 and February 25. Before and after this meeting with the family, the IRA gave direct assurances on their safety to three named individuals who the family believe were the targets of intimidation.

Since we met the family, at that time, the good offices of an independent third party have been employed to reinforce these assurances with two of the three men. To this point the third party has not been able to contact the other man. We have urged any witnesses who can assist in any way to come forward. That remains our position. The only interest the IRA has in this case is to see truth and justice achieved.

Since we issued our statement on February 25 there has been much political and media comment on what we had to say. Predictably our opponents and enemies who have their own agendas have used this brutal killing to attack republicans and to advance their own narrow political interests. The public will make their own judgment on this.

We sought and held a second meeting with the McCartney family in the presence of an independent observer. In the course of this we reiterated our position in respect of witnesses, including our view that all witnesses should come forward. We also revisited details of the incident.

We disclosed the following to the family: The conclusions of the IRA’s investigations are based on voluntary admissions by those involved. The names of those involved in the attacks and stabbings of Robert McCartney, Brendan Devine and the assault on another man in Market Street were given to the family. This included the names of the two men responsible for providing the knife, using the knife, destroying the knife, destroying the CCTV tape and burning clothes.

In addition we informed the family that: We have ordered anyone who was present on the night to go forward and to give a full and honest account of their actions. That includes those who have already been subject to the IRA’s internal disciplinary proceedings.

We are continuing to press all of those involved in the events around the killings of Robert McCartney to come forward. The IRA is setting out all of the above at length because it is important that those issues of truth and justice are successfully resolved. We are doing our best to work with the family and to respect their wishes.”

P. O’Neill
They're scumbags. I'm not even slightly surprised at this latest development. Total scumbags.
I'm nearly embarassed to be Irish. Although this shower has nothing to do with the vast majority of the population they are one of the first things ill-educated people think of when you say you're from Ireland. They're not doing anybody any favours and they should all just jump into the sea.

Unless anybody can justify their existence?
Re: Eye for an Eye

Dougal, in wishing all IRA members to jump into the sea (presumably to as an act of mass suicide) you have descended to their level, only difference is that you don't offer to push.:lol

The IRA statement rather reminds me of Oscar Wilde's defence when asked in court if he had an affair with some boy, he replied, thinking it witty, not at all and that the boy was not even pretty. The court gasped in shock. Similarly all people living in the real world gasp in disbelief when the IRA, thinking they are proving their sense of honour, make statements like this.
Now what's so wrong with them killing themselves?

The statement says that they did "internal disciplinary proceedings".

Now when you join the IRA as the 2 involved people do than you will have to live by their rules. When joining you accept their rules, so if you break them and their rules are "internal disciplinary proceedings" and that ends with the death penalty for killing someone than so be it.

A problem imho is only if the IRA offered to kill involved non IRA members.

What they do with IRA members after a court martial is up to them. You join them you obey their rules or you get punished according to their rules.

Now what is so wrong with the IRA taking care of their internal problems somethelves?

This is in no way a legitimation of the IRA or it's methods, but if you join an organisation like that, than you know what you have comming.
Re: Now what's so wrong with them killing themselves?

That's the most skewed logic I've heard here for a long time.

First of all, most people I think realise that this was some sad pathetic attempt by the IRA to make it look like they don't condone this sort of thing. A ruse which has back-fired badly on them.
Thugs generally don't have codes of practice. They tailor them as their needs fit.

Secondly, they made this statement to appease the Irish people and the McCartney clan. This is NOT what Irish people want. They want justice. Murder is not justice.
Re: Now what's so wrong with them killing themselves?

the first 9 letters of his name tell a tale
Re: Now what's so wrong with them killing themselves?

Now what is so wrong with the IRA taking care of their internal problems somethelves?

What about an individual's inviolable constitutional rights? What about the law of the land? What about due process? What if other groups decided to institute their own rules in violation of the law of the land?

On reflection, maybe I should not have been so surprised about the statement since surprise only arises if one assumes, a priori, that the IRA was something other than a banned, illegal, criminal, paramilitary organisation.
Re: Now what's so wrong with them killing themselves?

What about an individual's inviolable constitutional rights? What about the law of the land? What about due process? What if other groups decided to institute their own rules in violation of the law of the land?

So let me see, somone is joining a terrorist organisation that wants to abolish the existing constitution, break the law of the land and so fort and when that same organisation one joined decides to kill one because one breaks their rules one start shouting that that violates ones constitutional rights and one don't get due process in a court of law?

If one want's constitutational rights, due process or the law of the land one does not join a terrorist organisation.

I specificly said, that I only accept this for their members and not non members! There is a difference!

What they do to their members (volunteers) is their problem not mine. Anybody joining them knows what s/he is in for.

If I joing a eastern european drug dealer group and skim my boss I might get dead, I know that and when I join I take that risk. If I join the IRA and upset my commander I might get shot or my legs get broken. I know that when I join.

Join a criminal organisation and you know what you are in for.

Maybe the difference is that I am pro death penalty and I think murders shoud be hung after a fair trial.
Re: Now what's so wrong with them killing themselves?

You're missing the point of the statement completely brainlessareus.

They proposed killing these men as a means of appeasing those they had affected and NOT because there had been an internal violation of codes of practice. You need to understand that distinction. They are in crisis over this situation because of how it is currently affecting both Sinn Fein and the peace process. Had there not been uproar over this killing they would not have made such a statement.
Re: Now what's so wrong with them killing themselves?

So let me see, somone is joining a terrorist organisation that wants to abolish the existing constitution, break the law of the land and so fort and when that same organisation one joined decides to kill one because one breaks their rules one start shouting that that violates ones constitutional rights and one don't get due process in a court of law?

Any mildly intelligent person will recognise immediately that the correct course of action in this specific case is for the crime in question to be investigated by the statutory authorities (i.e. police), the alleged perpetrators arrested, charged, given a fair trial and, if found guilty, sentenced appropriately. There is no logic by which kangaroo courts and summary punishments/executions carried out by illegal organisations can be excused or rationalised.

What they do to their members (volunteers) is their problem not mine.

Extend that logic to some high profile crimes in the news over the past few years (e.g. financial scandals, paedophile cases, gangland murders etc.) and see where that gets you.

after a fair trial.

Court martial behind closed doors by an illegal organisation hardly constitutes a fair trial and certainly not justice being done and being seen to be done.
Now that they have got their "internal disciplinary proceedings" up and running and are capable of detailed investigations maybe they can do up a bit of a report on their members who are washing diesel, running protection rackets, issuing licenses for drug dealers, robbing banks and post offices, smuggling cigarettes, beating and shooting children, etc etc, and pass is on to the "the good offices of an independent third party" or even the police...
since they are interested (all of a sudden)in truth and justice.
Don't expect [broken link removed] from SF/IRA on this front! Does the latest IRA statement mean that Mrs. McCabe can request some form of summary "justice"? :|
You're missing the point of the statement completely brainlessareus.

Thank you Gabriel for pointing out the reasons for this statement.

I do understand that the IRA has made this statement to appease people and not pro-active (if there is such a thing).
Here we go again purple, IRA issuing licenses for drug dealers! Where do you get your info- Mr. McDowell constituency office hotline or the Sindo?? Has any drug dealer ever come out and said that they were paying the IRA for the right to sell drugs?? Even anonymously?
I cant imagine they would! They would lose huge support!
So we know they're murderers, liars and thieves...but not drug dealers right?
After all...that'd ruin their unblemished image :rolleyes
Re: FF are tramps

Only a few short months since Dermot Ahern said he would hop into bed with these thugs. He's singing a different tune today but not that he didn't know then what he knows now.

Two men (with the co-operation of SFIRA istelf) have blown the lid on the whole thing.

First the Doctor insisted on an IRA humiliation. Why not? Humiliation is too good for them.

But the real hero is SuperMac who really didn't understand the rules of the sordid little appeasement orgy and started asking embarrassing questions about criminality. What did he go and do that for - sure we've been at this party for 10 years and it was always bad manners to mention things like that.
Re: FF are tramps

So we know they're murderers, liars and thieves...but not drug dealers right?

Is this our government (Leinster House) that you are referring to?
Re: FF are tramps

>Is this our government (Leinster House) that you are referring to?

I'm sorry Redbhoy but you seem to have rather large establishment issues. I'm no great fan of our current government but their indiscretions pale into insignificance beside Sinn Fein IRA. I'm genuinely amazed that anyone could try to defend their actions on a bulletin board. They're murdering scumbags. Whatever hoodwinking and brown enveloping has gone on within the ranks of FF over the last twenty years they look like angels beside Adams and the masked murderers standing behind him.

They blow women and children to bits, rob banks, kneecap teenagers and intimidate their own communities. And you're offended by the idea that they might be involved in drugs??? The mind boggles.
Re: FF are tramps

redhboy, you and your kind really want to get a grip on reality.
the ira are a pack of murdering scumbags
the ira are unelected. SF get elected in the south by gullible gobshites who fall for the "were not the ira" spiel .
In the north they impede the work of the SDLP, a legitimate democratic nationalist party through intimidation.
they are cowards, they hide behind balaclavas and deny that they even belong to the orginisation
they respect no elected government, north or south
they intimidate the very people they are supposedly fighting for.
they kill gardai
they rob banks
they shoot, bomb and murder innocent civilians, both catholic and protestant, irish and english
they send their scum off on nixers to other countries eg colombia to teach their scum to murder other innocents.

As for the "Brits"
they run NI (as a free democratic society) because a majority of the people there want them to.
after hundreds of years, the terms "occupiers " and "invaders"
no longer apply. if they do , why not start a "normans out" campaign and then shoot anyone whose name starts with fitz.
given a choice, most english people would happily forget about the place.
they support democracy
they pump billions into NI every year
they provide free NHS healthcare ,
they provide Housing and Welfare (i wonder how many sfira supporters live in brit council houses and buy their pints at the weekend with brit dole money)
they have provided employment and place to live for millions of irish emigrants over the years