Motor NCB / NCD query


Registered User
I see a number of previous posts but I don't see one for this exactly and I want to be sure given that it has to do with insurance.

I crashed my car last year in the bad weather and hit the ditch, no damage to anyone else except my car. I then claimed about €3,500 off the insurance. I have always got my insurance with my no claims bonus fully protected.

My insurance is up for renewal soon.

I got the cert of no claims bonus and it says my NCD is 0 and my NCB% is 50%.

I went to another broker last week to get a quote and they went away and came back that I was back at the beginning of the scale and were not allowing me any NCB over my claim. Now maybe I have misinterpreted this thing all wrong over the years but I have paid extra every year to keep my NCB so when I am going for my renewal should I be looking for a 50% NCB from other companies?

Can someone explain it to me as otherwise I feel that I have to stay with my existing company and I can not change insurance companies as my current insurance company will give me 50% if the others are not. I am also wondering did the broker get it all wrong.

All the best & looking forward to some clarity.

Some insurance companies don't accept the protected bonus from another insurance company and will treat your no-claims bonus accordingly i.e. as 0 years! All a protected no-claims bonus ever meant was that your own insurance company wouldn't hike up your premium by 50% in the event of a claim.

That said there are some insurers that would accept you with a full no claims bonus even if you had a claim and didn't protect the bonus if you were transferring to a product with protection. So maybe your brokers isn't the cleverest anyway.
Thanks peteb,
I would have assumed in my lack of understanding that there would have been some form of mutual recognition or agreement.
With some companies. But not all. Most companies accept it. But i think AXA doesnt anymore for one.
Hi All,
Does anyone know which companies recognise your full no claims bonus in the even that you have had an accident and have it fully protected.
Hi All,
Does anyone know which companies recognise your full no claims bonus in the even that you have had an accident and have it fully protected.

There is probably no alternative to shopping around with brokers and companies to find this out. Insurers may have deals with large brokers and vary the terms, as Poty has mentioned with Axa. Don't overly focus on the ncd, focus on the price and the cover you are offered. You might get a 20% ncd from a company which is cheaper and/or better cover than one offering 50%.
Hi Corkmike,
Both Kennco and Travellers and maybe Allianz will accept a protected ncb thats had a claim at the amount of discount the current insurers are giving. So they will allow you a full bonus. Axa RSA and Zurich will step it back as per there own stepback policy, so generally they would allow you 20% or 30%. But this may vary from dirct line companies to brokers. You will get a quote from Kennco or Travellers through a broker, but generally you'd need to call them. A lot of the quote engine websites dont allow policies with claims quote on them.
Totally incorrect.

As per who? I got an email confirming it the other day. How about you?

Just to add to the above poster, Prestige and Setanta will also accept a protected bonus and allow same.