National Economic Dialogue tomorrow and Friday - you can watch live on RTE News Now

Brendan Burgess


16.07.15 to 17.07.15

National Economic Dialogue

As outlined in the recent Spring Economic Statement, the Department of Finance and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform will host a National Economic Dialogue in Dublin Castle. The dialogue will take place over two days, 16-17 July, and will be an important element of Ireland’s new budgetary framework. The dialogue will be structured around plenary sessions, chaired by an independent moderator and smaller break-out sessions on specific themes. Arrangements are also being made to live stream the plenary sessions.

The objective of the dialogue is to facilitate an open and inclusive exchange on the competing economic and social priorities facing the Government as we prepare for Budget 2016. It will be informed by the macro-economic and fiscal parameters, including the EU budgetary framework, which were set out in the Spring Economic Statement.

It is hoped to have a genuine and robust dialogue which will examine the realistic options open to the Government within the available fiscal space of around €1.2 billion to €1.5 billion. This will be shared on a 50:50 basis between expenditure and tax measures. Representatives of community, voluntary and environmental groups as well the Opposition, business, unions, research institutes, the academic community and the diaspora have been invited.

Any queries in relation to the organisation of the National Economic Dialogue can be directed by phone to Mary Carrick 076 1007599 or by email to [email protected].
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