Names of Irish banks which collapsed?

Brendan Burgess

Over the years a few Irish deposit takers have collapsed leading to the loss of depositors' funds. Can anyone provide a list of them?

PMPA Provident Society

Irish Benefit Building Society (was this rescued by another Building Society?)

There was something like the Irish Trust Bank in 1981.

Patrick Gallagher's Merchant Banking early 1980's

Well there was the Munster Bank failure in 1885 which was huge in its day if you want to go back that far. Can't really think of anything else
Over the years a few Irish deposit takers have collapsed leading to the loss of depositors' funds. Can anyone provide a list of them?

PMPA Provident Society

Irish Benefit Building Society (was this rescued by another Building Society?)


Private Motorists' Provident Society (PMPS)

Ireland Benefit Building Society which was taken over by First National which is now First Active.
HI Sueellen

Did the depositors lose out in the collapse of the Ireland Benefit Building Society?

No. As far as I can recall the Administrator/Receiver sold it on very quickly ([broken link removed]) and people did not lose any money unlike the PMPS.

There have been many payments made to the PMPS depositors over the years and if memory serves me well the last one may have been only two/three years ago.