My PAYE contribution increased in August/September


Registered User
Just wondering if there would be any valid reason for my PAYE to increase mid way through the year? Nothing else has changed on my payslip. I took 2 weeks paternity leave in August and took the paternity benefit from welfare so my payslip for August is different from the previous months but in September my salary goes back to normal but the PAYE is up around €20 and same in October.

I don't know if it's worth querying with my employer or if I should just wait till next year and get a balancing statement from Revenue.
I would say it is definitely worth querying your employer, that should be your first port of call. There is most likely a reasonable explanation and if not, sorting it out is best.
Have you had your credits restricted on a week one basis to take account of the paternity leave?

It might say week 1 in the status section of the payslip.
Thanks, yep my previous payslips say tax basis N but since the paternity leave the say tax basis W. I'll query with my employer