Moving to Cologne/Bonn - any tips ?


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I have been offered a job between Cologne and Bonn in Germany (approx 30 km apart). Does anybody have experience of living in either city ? If so, what would you recommend for a family with young kids in terms of where to live ? How did you find the area ?

Can't say anything about either city but can offer a suggestion. When my daughter and her boyfriend were moving to Berlin they went for a long weekend and cycled around areas that they thought they would like to move into. They had done a bit of research on the web beforehand on rents and availability, etc. Renting seems to be a bit of a minefield in terms of paper work but they rented for 3 months first (sub-letting) and got to know the area they were in and decided they liked it. They got a long let subsequently, around the corner from where they were. Location near a metro stop was important as well. They also had originally thought they would buy a property, more for investment purposes than anything else, but have decided they won't go down that road.
My preference would be Cologne (have lived in neither but in Dusseldorf, visited both cities)... I prefer Cologne, I think it has a little more colour and life to it than Bonn. Now, none of that is based on living there or schooling kids in either city, but Cologne definitely has a nicer 'feel' to it. It's also handier for travelling home as it's closer to Dusseldorf airport...