Movers Mortgage - less being offered than our existing

I still find the bank's behaviour bizarre. Essentially you are saying:
  1. We want to borrow the same amount of money
  2. We want to pay you more money for the same amount of money
  3. We want to give you extra security of €200k
I know Irish banks did a lot of silly things in the past. They, and the regulators, don't want to repeat this for good reasons.

But turning down safe, profitable business like this is bizarre.

In any case the best of luck and I hope they see sense!
Thanks. I'm probably best to make a formal application and take it from there. I'm a bit annoyed more than anything else. We've both had an account with BoI Belfield/Montrose since our student days. On paper, I thought we'd look to be a good risk. I can only imagine how some businesses feel when they go looking for finance. I'll keep the thread updated.