Most beautiful women of the century

Cheryl Cole??? She was still a child at the end of the 20th century - are the voters paedos?
Kate Beckinsale, cracker, beautiful, sexy & intelligent (but makes dumb movies), my #1

Jennifer Love Hewitt (particularly in the film Heartbreakers)

Yer wan Lexi in Grey's Anatomy, lov-ly girrwwull, better as a brunette.

Jennifer Anniston is pretty, whatever else you'd say about her.

Recapping on the above I think its just as well I married a brunette :D
Speaking as a woman I would say Rachel Weisz should be in there.

Cole I'd imagine is only in there because she is so current, she is pretty at best.

Jolie looks like a shemale to me ;)
This is the way I look at it - "beautiful" - in the sense of objectively beautiful, form, structure, everything in the right place etc but doesn't neccessarily mean you are "sexy" - basically, the quailty that inspires animal lust I guess. You can be neither (or a bit of both) and still be "attractive" which is for me, a combination of being pleasantly featured, warmth, inspiring affection.

So that's B, S & A. Now, pay attention, here is the news, out of 10:

1. Audrey Hepburn B9, S1, A7
2. Cheryl Cole B6, S3, A2
3. Marilyn Monroe B9, S9, A9
4. Angelina Jolie B8, S9, A6
5. Grace Kelly B8, S2, A7
6. Scarlett Johansson B7, S5, A4
7. Halle Berry B8, S6, A8
8. Diana, Princess of Wales B5, S2, A6
9. Kelly Brook B7, S5, A5
10. Jennifer Aniston B6, S2, A9
This is the way I look at it - "beautiful" - in the sense of objectively beautiful, form, structure, everything in the right place etc but doesn't neccessarily mean you are "sexy" - basically, the quailty that inspires animal lust I guess. You can be neither (or a bit of both) and still be "attractive" which is for me, a combination of being pleasantly featured, warmth, inspiring affection.

So that's B, S & A. Now, pay attention, here is the news, out of 10:

Cavaet, you have way too much time on your hands!

What about intelligence as being part of 'Attractive'?
What about intelligence as being part of 'Attractive'?

Yep, it can be part of it.

Known of course in female form appreciation circles as the "Weaver Factor" - a la of course, Sigourney herself. Not beautiful as such, but pretty sexy and very attractive (and clever).

BTW, as usual for me, the big problem with that list is that mostly they are far too skinny to get Caveat's undivided attention. :)
I would have included Ava Gardner on this list aswell. Would definitely remove Jennifer Aniston, Lady Diana, Cheryl Cole and Kelly Brook.

A big yes to Ava Gardner , read the recent biography of her life - feisty or what ?
big +1 to Grace Kelly and Audrey Tatou.

I actually think Cheryl Cole is very attractive. I'm not sure if I class her as beautiful, maybe just pretty. I think that people may dislike her personality, her image and her dress sense but I think there's no denying that she is attractive.. no???
I actually think Cheryl Cole is very attractive. I'm not sure if I class her as beautiful, maybe just pretty. I think that people may dislike her personality, her image and her dress sense but I think there's no denying that she is attractive.. no???

Nope. She ticks all the boxes in terms of features etc and is conventionally, objectively "good looking" maybe even very good looking but for me she is totally unattractive. She looks cold, harsh and a bit common for want of a better word. There is no "niceness" or warmth or likeability about her face - unlike, say, Jennifer Anniston, who ironically is probably less "beautiful" - you see how it works? ;)

Oh and Cheryl is far too skinny.

Signed, A.N. Expert :)
hmmm...for me this is a 'who would I most like to look like' list.

The girl who plays Penny Widmore in Lost.
Angelina Jolie
Kate Winslet
Jane Russell
Raquel Welch

Seriously girls - we need a version of this thread for the most handsome men!!