Mortgage Question


Registered User
Hello Everyone,

If anyone out there knows anything about the following, I'd really appreciate a reply.

Ok, I'm applying for a mortgage, and my dad had agreed to gift me some cash towards it.
However, my Dads assets are in 5/7 year accounts. Only realised this recently
He is willing to put a lien on 1 of these to help me, but the mortgage lady didn't seem to know if this was possible, which I thought was very strange
Has anyone had experience of this??, or any bank people out there that knows if this can be done?
I hope I've explained this correctly

Thanks in advance for your time
As your Dad's assets are tied up, you're effectively asking the bank to loan you the extra money on top of your mortgage until they can be released. In the current climate, I'd be surprised if banks will be willing to do this.