Mortgage payment taken early


Registered User
Our Mortgage is paid on the 1st of every month. Last Friday night January 29th, I checked our joint account and our mortage payment had been taken out of our account, a full 52 hours ahead of time. Ulster Bank even had the temerity to mark the withdrawal February 1st.
My point is why cant that mortgage money earn me interest for those 52 hours instead of Ulster Bank? If i was late paying my mortgage say on the 3rd or 4th of the month they would be sending me letters and charging me the interest for those three or four days.
Does anyone know where we stand on this. I was on the phone to my bank manager about this, but got no satisfactory answer. He said he would pass it on to his boss, but still waiting for that phone call.
Feb 1st was a monday so I cant see why they did that , usually if the payment date is falling on the weekend it will come out the first working day after. What if you hadnt of had the full amount available in your account on the 29 th, you shouldnt be penalised if the payment date is the 1st