Middle income earners pay the least tax!


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The research by Dr Micheál Collins [Nevin Institute] found Irish people pay 13.6 per cent of their gross income in direct taxes (income and social insurance) and 10.36 per cent in indirect taxes (VAT, excise and levies) ... Mr Collins said the Irish income tax system is progressive, but the indirect taxation system is regressive ... This gives a U-shape to the overall household tax contribution curve – households at the bottom and top of the income distribution contribute the most.

The Nevin Institute is a Trade Union propaganda outlet. Their economic utterances are on par with Creationist scientific theory.
The research by Dr Micheál Collins [Nevin Institute] found Irish people pay 13.6 per cent of their gross income in direct taxes (income and social insurance) and 10.36 per cent in indirect taxes (VAT, excise and levies) ... Mr Collins said the Irish income tax system is progressive, but the indirect taxation system is regressive ... This gives a U-shape to the overall household tax contribution curve – households at the bottom and top of the income distribution contribute the most.


Perhaps the papers & in particular their economic & business correspondents & RTE & other radio stations are cogitating on the contents of this report before attempting some analysis on same but it seems to me that this report is getting a remarkably easy ride to date & is already seen as fact.

I know that contrary arguments have been put forward & I would like to see some public debate on this , such contrary arguments have been posted on sites such as this & occasional economic blogs with quite frankly low readerships - perhaps the PR battle in this regard has been already lost as the findings of the report are now accepted as fact by the followers of our media ?
There's a thread on this on The Property Pin where a very comprehensive analysis of it has being put together by a poster there....summary, it's again riddled with errors and dodgy sums!
There's a thread on this on The Property Pin where a very comprehensive analysis of it has being put together by a poster there....summary, it's again riddled with errors and dodgy sums!

I quite appreciate that there are contrary views which are posted on niche sites however my point is that there appears to be no analysis or debate on the popular media outlets leading to my presumption that the report will be generally accepted as being factual.

The headline from the times - " poorer people in Ireland pay out more of their income tax " is going to resonate a lot more than discussions on sites such as this & others !
Well TV3 are discussing it tonight on the VB show but their usual stance on social issues will probably apply and agree with the headlines about 'poorer people'.

Newspapers have long become glorified press release regurgitators for any vested interest...if your paying all the big wages to 'columnists', it's hard to afford real journalists!