Microsoft .NET?



Visited the Microsoft update website. It suggested one 'high priority' and one 'optional' updates.

The optional one was .NET framework version1.1 and the critical one was .NET framework 1.0 Service Pack 3.

Are these necessary and do I even have the basic version installed on my computer (XP Home with SP2)?

Unless you run .NET applications then you don't need to install the .NET updates. Chances are you don't so I wouldn't bother. I don't know of any standard Windows components that exploit .NET but I am open to correction on this. I have avoided installing certain non essential on many home dial-up connected PCs because the downloads are so big. This goes for ones that are tagged as "critical" but which I know the end user does not need. For what it's worth, if download overhead is the problem you can now download Windows Updates one one PC (e.g. with a broadband connection) and then install them on another (e.g. with a mere dial-up connection) using the Windows Update Cataloge.
What is .Net from Microsoft.... It means nothing to me.

Is this something (like 'file & printer sharing') that's automatically turned on but should really be turned off? Is it installed by default?
The .NET Framework version is a component of the Microsoft Windows® operating system used to build and run Windows-based applications.

You can check to see if you already have the .NET Framework installed by clicking Start on your Windows desktop, selecting Control Panel, and then double-clicking the Add or Remove Programs icon. When that window appears, scroll through the list of applications.

If you find that Microsoft Net Framework is installed, than run the update because there are some security problems that are addressed.

If you don't find it, than don't install the update. Should you ever run a program that requires Framework (some File Sharing tools do) than it will tell you to install it.
Thanks for that - I've checked and I have it (version 1.0.3xxx)

Can I just un-install it (without MS repercussions)?
Unless you know of any .NET applications that are installed you should be able to remove it, reboot, try the PC out and then roll back to the last known good installation if the removal proves problematic.
I suggest you do create a "system restore point", de-install it, upgrade to 1.1 and guess, yes create a "system restore point" and than see how you PC is feeling and you applications too. If they don't work just revert back to the 1st system restore point.

If you have Kazza, Overnet, eDonkey and other stuff, than you will need net framework because that is part of this applications.
Personally I supply a small software package which uses the .NET framework as a platform.

I have it supplied for self-install on the disk. It is 23Mb, but it would create costly support enquiries if I didn't.

Hence I presume any supplier would indicate the need for the .NET framework to be installed, or would supply it.