Michael Lynn interview on RTE

At this stage after all the damage that has been done by so called white collar criminals, I think that if some 'ordinary' criminal is forced to put up with Mountjoy and slopping out, I don't see why people found guilty of serious white collar crime, who by their actions have caused and will cause for the future immeasurable pain to all in this country, shouldn't have to suffer likewise. A country club situation of open prison or serving their time with others of their ilk is no punishment.
No , if Mountjoy is good enough for 'ordinary decent' criminals, then it is good enough for the golden circle gangsters!!!! Serious time served in Limk prison with some of the gangs might have a deterrant effect on future generations of would be fraudsters!!!

Hi Brianne,
My point, which was probably not made very understandable, is that Mountjoy or the many other Prisons currently open are maybe too good for them, that maybe we should have not a Country Club or Open Prison specially for the legion of white collare criminals who may never be sentenced lets be honest, but rather one of the places I mentioned such as the Curragh or Spike Island which were both closed for a variety of reasons such as inaccesability or generally inhuman conditions.