'Memento' - what happened in the end?


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I was watching Memento last night on Film 4. Saw most of it before I started to nod off ... on .... off .... etc. Woke up when the very last scene was being shown ........ the guy drives past a tattoo shop, puts on the brakes, looks at what he had written down (the licence plate number) and obviously is deciding to go and have the number tattood on his arm/leg. (This, presumably, is actually the beginning of the story, in that the film went from current time backwards). But I missed a bit before that (the most important bit I expect) and I'm completely lost. Was Teddy the culprit?? I remember 'coming to' at one stage and Teddy was saying something about the whole thing maybe just being a test to see if the main character really HAD short term memory loss (or was just pretending?). I think he even suggested that main character's wife might not be dead?!! At another stage I woke to find Teddy had lost his (keys?) and main character was driving off. Then the tattoo shop, then the car brakes, then THE END. Who was the killer?
I forgot. or maybe it was that the main character killed Teddy, by deliberately writing a false note for himself implicating Teddy and then later not remembering that the note he wrote was not true. or something like that.
I believe that Guy Pierce had killed the guy who killed his wife and damaged his memory at a far earlier stage, however as he did not remember this after he had killed him, he continued his search. The other characters tended to use Guy due to his condition. At one stage, Teddy told Guy Pierce that he had killed the murderer already and in a pique, Guy wrote down a clue which implied that Teddy was the murderer - which he forgot he had done and thus giving him a further mission to do.