Mean=nil. what does it mean?


Registered User
I have been receiving UA for the past while. I just recently got a part-time job - 2 full days per week - and had to be means tested. I am earning 84 Euros per day - total 168 Euros per week. I had read that I could do 2 days work and still get UA for the remaining 4 days that I did not work. They replied to me today with the folowing assessment: Means = Nil
What does this mean does anyone know? It doesn't sound good to me ...
Thanks, I appreciate your information.
Why not ask Welfare themselves? Presumably "means=nil" implies that they have assessed you as having no means that are relevant to your claim and so you should continue to receive UA presumably for the days that you are not working? This link about means testing might be of interest to you.
Thanks Clubman. I will ask Social Welfare to be sure, but it's always easier to tap into the knowledge here than to sit in the SW office for an hour and then speak to one of the, often, less than pleasant officials.
Have to say that I never had any problems with SW staff in my dealings with them while claiming UB a few years back.