Maternity leave not mentioned in contract for new job


Registered User
Quick question for all you gurus!

I've been offered, and accepted, a fantastic new job. Just got the contract and one small issue raises its head.

One of the reasons (the many reasons!) I am leaving my current role is its lack of paid maternity leave. I had assumed that this new role would provide maternity benefit (it was not a deal-breaker), but the contract contains no mention whatsoever of this subject. The company is a respected global multinational.

It provides great detail on pensions/sick leave/holidays, on which they are very generous, so would I be right to assume that no mention of paid mat leave means no paid mat leave?

And, if I did want to confirm this, is it like flying a red flag if I ask the question??

FYI, I have no plans to get pregnant straight away (it was a possibility in the last job, but I would like a good run at this job before planning a family).

Thanks in advance.
As you seem to know, there's no obligation on employers to provide paid maternity leave. Those who do may operate a variety of systems.

I'm afraid there's no other way to find out but to ask your HR section out straight. If you seriously think this might jeopardise your continued employment (and particularly if you don't plan on starting a familiy straight away), you could wait 12 months by which time you would be protected by the terms of Unfair Dismissals legislation should your employers seek to squeeze you out.
i suggest you ask the company's HR for a copy of the benefits they provide....tell them you have misplaced yours (unless they are written into the contract...from the sounds of it they are).

from what you have written it does indeed sound like they do not provide paid maternity leave so you are probably only entitled to state paid maternity leave (from the sounds of it).

i am not an expert though. my wife is going on maternity leave in january and the company she works for does not provide paid maternity leave, but she has applied for the state paid maternity leave.

Thanks guys - yes, I knew it wasn't compulsory for a company to provide it, but somehow (misguidedly) thought larger multinationals are more likely to provide it, especially since they bend over backwards with other allowances.

i suggest you ask the company's HR for a copy of the benefits they provide....tell them you have misplaced yours (unless they are written into the contract...from the sounds of it they are).

Laoisfan, I'm not sure this would work in this case – are these benefits not those listed in the contract/conditions of employment?
Sun sparks earlier this year I had the same issue with a number of positions and asked the Agency whom I was dealing with to find this out. I couldnt believe the number of multinationals who do not pay maternity leave.
My current position luckily (have been here for over 2.5yrs) pay it to FTE's after a 2 year period, hence the reason I decided to stay... It was not in the Contract but in the employee handbook which was provided on commencement of service.

Its very sensitive and I think by asking you could leave yourself exposed. The girl in the Agency that I was dealing did not want to ask the question and only tried to find out through other people whom she had placed in the company...
Polo1 - thanks so much for that information. I figured it would appear somewhere, hadn't thought of the Employee Handbook.

Guess I should just accept it as a no rather than asking. (Just wanted to be sure since the contract letter does state that only items covered in writing are enforceable.) I certainly don't want to leave myself exposed.
Red rag to a bull indeed, don't ask directly about this type of benefit.... It is my opinion that is an urban myth that companies pay additional maternity benefit on top of the state provision. I think it is a rarity indeed.
Sunsparks, one piece of advice; if you do ask about the paid maternity leave make sure if you get a positive answer that it's on paper. I asked my boss and was told yes I would be paid (verbally). Then when it came closer to the time I asked again was this definite just to be sure and it took me ages to get an answer which was eventuall no. The max payment from social welfare is €280 p.w. Whether you are going to be paid on maternity leave or not is something you definitely need to know about.
Any manager who is recruiting females of child-bearing age knows that this is going to be an issue. It shouldn't generally raise a red flag just to ask a question.

If it does raise a red flag, then perhaps it's not the kind of place you want to work?

I think you have finally become assimilated totally as a civil servant.
I work for a multi national and they only give paid maternity leave if you have two years service prior to getting pregnant other than that they only give unpaid leave as required by law.
May I just ask please; when you guys say that you get paid maternity leave does this mean the top-up payment?
Some employers pay salary less MB. Some pay full salary. Some pay nothing. I guess the employers of the people that you are referring to fall into the first two categories?
Are you still entitled to look for maternity benefit if your employer is giving you full pay?
Yes, my arrangement with my employer is that I claim maternity benefit, it is paid to my employer, and they pay me my full salary. I end up with more money as the maternity benefit isn't taxed, but I find that covers the unpaid part of maternity leave (when neither my employer or the government pay anything).
Yes, my arrangement with my employer is that I claim maternity benefit, it is paid to my employer, and they pay me my full salary.
Even if it was taxed you would end up with more money because you are getting full salary plus MB! Where employers pay salary less MB then the employee ends up better off for the reason you mention.
Im sorry if i sound a bit confused but just to clarify:

You can get full pay from your emploer while on maternity
and get maternity benefit as well ??
Clubman, I don't get full salary and MB, I claim MB, which is paid to my employer, who them pays me as normal. It means my employer is paying me my full salary, less the MB, and my gross pay consists of salary (less the amount of MB) and the MB. I presume this is to make the administration of pay while on maternity leave more straightforward.

Margie, if your employer wants to pay you in full and not take your MB, then they can, but I don't know if any do, or if many do, IYKWIM. MB is not means tested, though it is calculated based on what you earn.