Maternity Benefit and Disability Benefit


Registered User
I apologise if this question has been asked before.

I'm on Disability Benefit for over 2 years and currently pregnant, due in May 2007.

My question is if I'm on disability am I entitled to Maternity benefit.

Thanks for taking the time to read this forum.
I don't think so judging by the qualification criteria for MB - in particular that you must be employed before hand:
Hello,I was looking into this for a friend of mine other day and found this piece of information on the website on the freedom of information page:
"Disability Benefit Rate
The rate of Maternity Benefit is automatically compared to the rate of Disability Benefit that would be paid to the woman if she was absent from work through illness. The higher of the two rates is paid."
I don't know how this would apply to your situation or if it even would but it might be worth to call them directly or email ( with your query.