Marital Separation


Registered User
Hi can anyone offer advise I have a mortage with EBS in joint names. I want to apply to get a mortage to buy my wife out, but we have 3 missed payments( not in a row) due to basic non communication re finances as we are under the same roof still and relationships are not good. I m terrified in case i m black listed or if I go to another institution that they will ask for my mortage statement and i ll be turned down. I m a sales manager with a bright future at 43 yrs and earn 85k with 15 years service. Bank account is always stressed too. Do they take account of such circumstances? I feel they have a terrible grip on me any help would be great.
Re: Marital Seperation

Ensure all payments are fully up to date when you apply for the mortgage. If/when you explain the reason for the missed payments in full to the lender, they should take your explanation into account when assessing your application.

In separation cases, this occurs quite frequently.
Re: Marital Seperation

Thanks for the reply. I m not in a position to bring arrears up to date. Arrears are €5700 including interest.
Re: Marital Seperation

Have you and your spouse any other borrowings that might have an impact of you getting a mortgage?