Manchester? Good place to buy an investment apartment?


Registered User

Does anyone know anything about 'Eccles' or 'Green Quarter' in Manchester?

Was considering buying an investment property there? Are they decent locations?

Any other advice?

Can't help but add a comment here. Portman Building Society in the UK has just announced (front page FT) that it is halting lending to buy-to-let investors looking to purchase new flats. Portman says that it is waiting for equilibrium to return to the market - in the past year new flats have fallen in price by approx 6% in the UK. There appears to be a glut of new-build flats available so you should do your homework before you make any decision.

Admittedly, this could also put you in a reasonably good bargaining position (if it is indeed new-builds that you are looking at).
Eccles is an established older residential area located two - three miles west of city centre, out beyond Old Trafford direction. It borders Salford and this general area would not be considered as wealthy or up and coming in my opinion although it is some years since I lived there.
If location, location, location is important to you, consider other areas in Manchester first.
forward on your email address to me and I can send on information in relation to an investment property in Wigan (half way point for Manchester and Liverpool) . My email address is [email protected]
No offence to the previous poster but people should use their common sense and discretion when deciding whether or not to contact newly registered users directly about investment opportunities.
JohnF said:
It borders Salford and this general area would not be considered as wealthy or up and coming in my opinion
Salford (bar a small area down in the old docks ) is a kip like Ballyfermot in my experience, and about as far out from the middle too.

go over friday night and 'note' whats walking around, Wigan is not aflluent shall we say.
Why do you dismiss Ballyfermot as a kip? It's far from the worst area in Dublin in my experience and that's not simply to damn it with faint praise. Unfortunately many people who dismiss places such as this as kips have rarely or never really visited these areas.