Management Company


Registered User
Hi All

I have a legal query. I currently own a kiosk business which is not performing as well as i expected but revenues are increasing and I am optimistic. The company in the UK were very bad in the implementation of the project and did not stick by their promises. Due to the lack of time available to me with other commitments they gave me an option to have the management of the kiosk performed by them. For this they would recieve a 5% share of the revenues. I agreed. I however did not trust them so before i handed over the management of the system i enabled remote access to the system so i could keep an eye over things. Mainly when i got the reports at the end of the month i could cross check. Because they are recieving 5% i was open with them that they were to make no margins on any other aspect of the business. Anyway the first month report arrived and they are out by almost 300euro. They do not know i have this information. I was just wondering would I have a valid case to force them to buy back the unit of me for what i paid and hence I would not take criminal proceedings. They manage 100's of units so this could open a can of worms for them which they may not want. I would be interested in peoples thoughts. I would also like to know what kind of a solicitor do I approach with this kind of case. I know 300e is small money but in the bigger picture its the fact that they cannot be trusted and over 12months this is alot of money. The system has been moved onto a new network now and therefore I dont have access anymore. I have said to them I need access from now on as I own the unit and need to keep an eye on it. Anyway apologies for the long post. I would just like some advice.
