Management Company Shared Responsibilities


Registered User
We own and let a one bedroom apartment.

Over the years, there has been occasional dampness incursion in the small entrance hall to the apartment, which is separate from the main apartment. The dampness is seasonal (it dies back in drier months) and slight.

But, we would now like to have the problem assessed and treated.

The water incursion is from an outside overhead stairs, which leads to the overhead apartments. It is not the result of leaking pipes or similar. It is rain water.

There are only four apartments in the development. Two above, two below.

Am I right in thinking that this is a management company issue and the cost would be shared or paid for via an insurance claim? Apart from general maintenance - driveway, gardener, etc. - we've never had an issue like this.

Thanks for any advice.

I would say the repairs for the stair area is indeed a management company issue. I don't know if it's an insurance claim. I would say it could be a maintenance and repair issue. It seems to be going on for months. Did you ever contacted the management company or their agent about it?

The four owners, of which I’m one, are the management company.

Since the problem is seasonal and slight, we’ve not dealt with it. But, the MC members have always known about it.

We just want to have it seen to now.

As you say, I too suspect it has to be an MC issue since it’s water coming from a common/public area.

My instinct is that an insurance claim would not be worth it. It’s too small a job to put up with the premium hike.

Thanks again.
