Mad Aer Lingus check-in times


Registered User
Soon we will all have to hand in a letter at check-in apologising for using up valuable airline resources. I was just looking through the EI website when I came across this -

Recommended check-in time
Dublin to USA:3 hours 30 Mins
To other destinations:2 hours 30 Mins

- and this -

Check-in times
Ex Ireland:
* Effective 15th May check-in will close for all flights 45 minutes prior to departure

So, in a few days time you will not be able to check in if you arrive within 45 minutes of your flight, and they suggest you check in 150 minutes prior to your flight. This is crazy. In theory a day trip to the UK could require that you spend 5 hours waiting in airports.

Any chance they could extend the port tunnel to Holyhead ?

If it wasn't for the fact that the fare costs a fraction of what it did even 2 years ago I would be mad as hell . . .

I have blamed security in another thread - but even they suggest that 90 minutes should be enough. 150 minutes as a suggested time is just crazy. If it is a security concern then EI would be better advised lobbying Dublin Airport to improve the security situation than getting its passengers to spend 5 hours waiting in airports for a 40 minute flight.

Aer Lingus don't indicate on the relevant page that it is security related. They just say they will close check-ins 45 minutes before flights.

90 minutes should be enough.
Give it a go. If you don't make it you know who to blame.
Hang on a second, I'd forgotten I had stopped discussing with you.

People can change their names, but their characters shine through.
