Lymewood Mews

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Hey Muffin,

I'm going to do mine first thing tomorrow morning so I'll let you know how I get on and what to expect!
Hey Muffin!

I went up to the apartment this morning to check the snag list and I have to say they look so much better. The lobby is nearly finished, its all tiled and the carpets are all fitted. Even the lifts were working and they were working on the security panel at the entrance when I was leaving. Most of the stuff on my snag were done, but there are still a few outstanding things left. So I'm pretty happy!

My apartment hasn't been cleaned yet but they are on the first floor and working their way up. The apartments on the ground floor look really good and I'd say they are ready for closing.

So I've e-mailed Emma the list outstanding and I'll let you know when I hear anything. Fingers crossed I'll be closing next week.
Hey pam,

Great to hear that, thanks for posting. So, some of the stuff hadn't been done - was there much still to be done/was it very obvious? I wonder how long it'll take them to sort that stuff out at this stage, would they take another two weeks?!! I can't wait to go out tomorrow and see the difference that nearly three weeks has made to the place.
We're actually on the first floor so hopefully that means our place will have been cleaned. Wouldn't it be great to close next week?!

Anyway, i'll update ye when I can after our inspection and let me know if emma comes back to you with a timeframe..

Hey all, congratulations on the big move!!

I just latched onto this website at the end of the rollercoaster ride and have to say it's been very informative. I bought a 2 bed in Block A and am expecting to move into it in January. Ironically if it goes over time I won't mind too much as it means I can save an extra few quid!

However, I have a few questions for the experienced bunch out there amonst you ready to move in...
a. How much are the management fees for a 2 bed? I'm on the fourth floor.
b. How much of an increase in value did the valuers say they had made?
c. What's this I saw about a "Gulliver Shopping centre(?)"? Is this the reail centre across the way??
d. How is the Ben Dunne gym coming along??
e. Any update on the Metro being confirmed for going past our doors??? 'Twould be very handy indeed!!

Ben Dunnes jym is due to be complete in feb 06 I hear, it will be a great addition to the area. Congrats to all involved with the Lymewood Mews project, its looking fantastic and really is the outstanding development in Northwood.
Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone here as had their final inspection completed and are set to close those this week?
I haven't heard back from Emma yet, so still waiting on my inital snagging to be completed.

I signed last Friday, I am block C ground floor.
The place was really well finished, we are extremely pleased, the floors are being laid as I type this.
The whole place looks great and it's so peaceful out there.
Also I would have to commend the workmen, I was leavingin in my floor laminates on Tuesday and the workmen came over and insited on carrying them all in for me, they were so helpful and polite. I thought it was a really nice touch.
Also Shane said that if I had any problems with anything in he first few weeks to let him know.
I was really humbled by the helpfulness of all the crew.
Our mainteneance fees were 1500 but that was for a ground floor.
About the Metro, I wouldn't hold my breath, the Luas was initally set to run out that way but there is no talk of it now.
I think once the Port tunnel is completed we might see some movement on that front.
moving in on Saturday and can't wait.
Also if anyone is getting blins I couldn't recommend Crumlin Blinds highly enough, they offered a 200 Euro reduction for getting all the blinds at once. And I rang around a good bit for quotes.
Thanks for that Orlaith!

Would I be correct in assuming that maintenance fees should be the same regardless of what apt you have bought as the fund goes to the maintenance of the entire development and gardens??
Hi Orlaith,

Thanks for the info. Iam on the ground floor too, yet my snag has still to be completed!
I think my management fee is 1250, i know its dependent on the size of each apartment so you probably have a larger unit - mine is 730sq ft.

On the matter of blinds you mentioned, iam actually on the look out for someone that can be recommended so i might give Crumlin blinds a call then.
Incidently what type of blinds did you go with ?

As far as I know the management fees are higher depending on the size of the property and the floor, but I could be wrong?

I am going with wooden venetian.
I have been looking at other appartment complexes for ideas.
They gave me loads of advise and bring samples to chooe from.

Mac, that's a big difference in fees isn't it?
Hi Orlaith,

My apartment type is the smallest so i reckon thats why the fee is less.
The 3beds & penthouses fee i would estimate at around the 1800 mark!

Just on the matter of the blinds, i checked these out before and found them rather expensive.
Maybe i just happened to check the dearest suppliers, i know there is lots of companies in this business so competition should mean a wide variation in prices.

I'd imagine the quote for the living room was quite expensive, the window area here really is huge whereas the bedrooms is a lot lot smaller.
You wouldn't mind letting me know what sort of money i would expect to pay to get blinds in all 3 rooms.
Just a rough estimate if you have recieved one already - 1000, 1500 - 2000euro ?

I was speaking to HOK re: Maintenance fees and they said it wasn't confirmed to them yet but they estimated for my 2-bed apt it would be between €1500-€2000, which didn't impress me much, especially if it comes in on the higher end of the scale.
HOK also confirmed that the charges are to be done on sq footage.
I believed this was usually done per apt rather than sq footage, does anybody agree??
Management fees are calculated on the basis of the total floor area of the apartment, the larger the apartment the higher the fee.

This system is used everywhere as its the most equitable method of raising the finances to run an apartment complex.

It wouldn't really be fair now to expect a person who owned a 1bed to pay the same amount as someone who owned a 3bed penthouse!

Mac - our blinds cost 1100 for ALL our windows, ie 2 bedrooms and the french doors. They gave us a 200 euro reduction for buying them allat one.
I thought it was excellent value, as i had done alot of ringing around, and some of them were MASSIVELY expensive. I'm not getting them for another week, so will you keep you posted!

Our solicitor told us when we paid the holding deposit that maintenance fees were based on sq footage. he estimated ours would have been in and around what they were.

moving all our stuff in on Saturday morning, happy days!!
Happy days indeed Orlaith.

I will certainly be giving Crumlin Blinds a call at those prices :)

Thanks for the info,
hi guys sorry haven't been on for a while. New job is really busy!

very interesting re Crumlin blinds i had been thinking of getting a quote off them. Orlaith did u actually go into the shop or just ring them and they came out to you?? I was also going to get a quote off Hillarys Blinds - has anyone come across them??

Belcarra u can get a breakdown of the management fees (i.e. what you'll be paying, what it goes towards etc). from O'Donnell Sweeney (the builders solicitors) - we got them from Declan Tormey there - he emailed them to me.

We are closing tomorrow - had to go back a couple of times to check that the work they were supposed to have done had been done but it's finished now thank God. Should be able to pick the keys up then. Just have to get the blinds done, then carpet then get the bed in and we'll be good to go!
Congrats all,

Just been reading this thread as I am also buying in Limewood. Does that now mean that you'll be sending a thank you message to Emma and an apology for annoying her everyday in relation to something that is largly out of her control, and where she is largly acting on 3rd hand information?

Just a thought, to be polite?
Hi Guys,

I am also buying in Lymewood and have had a number of dealing with Emma, want to agree with Billybob she has only ever been very helpfull and polite in relation to any queries I have put to her.
Give the girl a break she is only passing on the info she is been given.
In response to the lastest thread, i would have to agree with Billybob in regards to Emma. I to have bought in Lymewood and have had a few problems like yourselves, but have found Emma to be most helpfull and polite. Give the girl a break she can only pass on what she is being told!!!!!!!!!
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