Lymewood Mews

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Good God, another 2 weeks??? This is a lesson in patience if I ever had one!

Pam - I emailed emma and got a reply but it was along the lines of "I'm not on site so don't know what's happening" so no help really. I suppose she is fending off a lot of people at the mo! Mac, if you gave in your snag list the same day I did, and a lot of your snags have yet to be done, then we could all well be in the same boat....

Somehow I don't see anyone closing by the end of September
I am raging this is absolutely ridiculous!!
I rang emma again jsut now and she won't even give me a straight answer.

I said will we be closing this week, and she said hardly.

I am really unimpressed, I would advise anyone against buying from Lyndonbarry, I have never heard of anyone being so beyond the completion date.

So many of my friends have bought and moved into places aince we put down our deposit.

I am on the verge of tears, I am after having to cancel getting our floors put down and blinds measured as I have NO IDEA what is happening.
Hi Orlaith,

Totally agree with you, as I would say does everyone who bought in Lymewood - I certainly wouldn't recommend buying off plans ever again! Over the last two years we have patiently waited for our apartment to be built while friends and family have bought and moved into their houses, bypassing us in the process. We have lost countless opportunities to buy a different property because Lydonbarry would not release our deposit back to us or allow us to sell on our contract and there is nothing we could do about it. Nobody I know can believe that I am still not in my apartment yet.

Having said all that, I do believe we are nearly there. Another 2-3 weeks is incredibly frustrating (as has this whole exercise been) but there is light at the end of the tunnel. You have your floor and blinds people ready to go as soon as you get the green light yourself so at least that's organised. All you can do now is keep ringing Emma to find out the update (every day if you want to), make sure you're ready to go (with the loan cheque etc.) as soon as they advise same and remember - you're not on your own, there's a lot of people in the same boat who feel exactly the same - try to take some comfort from that
Thanks a million, it is good to know others are in the same boat!!

I just don't understand why they keep lieing?
On our snag advise letter it said it would take up to 7 days to turn around the snag. But we're 2 weeks waiting today since we did the snag.
I have given notice on my appartment so I am actually going to be homesless from the 9th!!

I know several people who have bought off plans and usually they run a bit over, 2-3 months MAX but this is crazy!! You would think they would want to get some of the money in, wouldn't you??

I don't think 2-3 more weeks is in any way acceptable. Why don't they just finish up?

I am seriously thinking of ringing Joe Duffy tomorrow. It is a disgrace that we have no rights, they can just treat us like rubbish and we have no comeback, there is no other industry is which this would be acceptable.

Rant over, fingers crossed, we will hear something early next week!!
Hey, I say ring Joe Duffy if you can, you never know! If you do, let us know what time you'll be on!!

I agree with your point about the builders surely wanting to get some money in at this stage. However, they won't get any money until the snagging has been done to our satisfaction and going by the state of my place when we went to do the snagging, it'll take a while. We didn't even think it was ready enough to be snagged - it looked very unfinished. I would say a lot of the apartments were in the same state and that's why it's taking (again) longer than they thought it would.

Yes, I think Lyndonbarry are going for a record in how long you can take to build a block of apartments (I wouldn't mind they're not even houses!!) and how long you can go over the (originally April) deadline - 5 months and counting....

This is so annoying! I'm sick of everyone asking me "When are you moving in" or " Are you still not moved in yet".

The only good thing is that the value of the property has increased. I think Muffin is right, about ringing Emma. Maybe if we all ring and e-mail Emma everyday, they might get so fed up and finish our apartments first. I'm going to contact my solicitor today and see if there is anything she can do about the letter I got that said I had 14 days to close. There is probably nothing she can do cause we have no rights.

I try anything at this stage.

Me again!

Just to let you know that my original finish date when I bought the apartment was December 2004 so it will be nearly a year!
My original closing date was November 2004.

Our appartment when we snagged was in VERY good condition.

There was nothing hardly to be done, even the lady that snagged it commented on the fact that is was well finished and obivously pre-snagged, and she's a professional snagger.

Maybe different blocks are finished to a different degree. I'm in block C, what blocks are you guys in?

And yes it is totally embarassing people constantly asking, I think some people think we have made it up!!

Definitely going to start ringing Emma every day, myself & boyfriend on alternate days!!

Fingers crossed!! As you said Muffin we are nearly there now!!

We're in Block C as well - when we originally viewed the "Marketing Suite" (i.e. prefab cabin) we were told they were due to be finished end 2004 but the first time we got a possible completion date in writing it stated April - June 2005 which was bad enough!! I remember being seriously p1ssed off about that. God help the folks in Blocks A & B!

Orlaith, is your boyfriend the same as mine - very laid back about the whole thing - it'll be ready when it's ready type of attitude? While I am wound up the whole time, fending off questions from friends about when will we be moving in etc?!!!!

Pam, I'll contact my solicitor again today as well and see if we can do anything about the completion letter stating it'll take tops 7 working days (yeah, and the rest!) - let me know how you get on...
I'm in block C too, but there was nothing done in my apartment, it was awful nothing was fitted properly. I'm on the third floor and they did say they were working their way up. If yours was that finished you should keep ringing Emma cause you may get yours sooner. I'm going to drive up the weekend and see if they will let me in or if I can find someone who will tell me a real date


Your not the only one! I have a really laid back boyfriend too, can't get him to ring cause "What's the point, they ring us when there ready". So annoying! We would have paid the €1900 management fees if it was left up to him

Pam that's so funny, that could be my boyfriend you're talking about!!! That's exactly what he says - he doesn't see the point - when it's ready they'll contact us, it's too much hassle to contact them! I am the contact point for the builders, the mortgage broker AND the solicitor!!! If I wasn't involved, I don't think he would even be buying the place!!! And ditto re the management fee as well! I read on here (was it yourself or Orlaith who posted about that?) about someone being overcharged and only for I questioned it with O'Donnell Sweeney, neither my solicitor nor my boyfriend knew anything about it - men!!

I am on the first floor and nothing was well fitted - doesn't really follow does it? What on earth are they up to?!
I am on the ground floor and the snag lady did say to me that they are doing it floor by floor. So they must be starting on the bottom. Muffin I was the same, we got the letter telling us April 2005, like the day after we signed.

My boyfriend was more relaxed initally as he has just moved jobs and was concerned about that, but the fact that we have to move out of our accomodation is causing us no end of distress at this point.

Also I am the one scheduling everything, moving etc
I like to be organised, and have my diary all planned out.
But I think I need to forget about that for now. It is bing in limbo which is driving me crazy, I've waited the whole Summer to move, and still no keys!!

I'm still going to try and ring Joe duffy tomorrow.
It is the complete lack of rights for the buyer that is bugging me.

Can you imagine in your job, going a week over a deadline, never mind 11 months!!
Yeah, it is the limbo/not knowing what's going on or when anything's going to happen that is the worst. We're lucky in that we're not having to pay rent at the mo and don't have to worry about where we're going to live for the time being anyway. Where are you going to move to so, Orlaith? Are ye having to move home to your parents??
Yes, the buyer has no rights and no control over the situation - there should at least be a penalty if the builder has not completed in a realistic amount of time. At this rate, they have been sitting on all our deposits for as long as they want, and we have no comeback at all!
You won't believe this!!

Emma just rang to say our snag is complete and we can check it tomorrow.
What a rollercoaster!

I don't know what that means, does that mean we sign off now?
What a day!
OH MY GOD - ME TOO JUST NOW!!!!! I was going to laugh down the phone at her but maintained a respectable professionalism!!!!! Ours is ready from lunchtime tomorrow!!! She must be ringing around loads of people!!! How exciting - Pam you'll be rung next! Orlaith when are you going to go out, I doubt I'll be able to get off work tomorrow ah feck it (am leaving work on friday so don't think they'll be giving me any more time off!!!). Oh how exciting ; ) Emma just said that it's ready and I asked "do you mean for final inspection" and she said yeah and once we're happy with it we can contact the solicitor and he will do the rest - WHOOHOO!!!
Isn't it surreal!!
I will have to get our snag lady to do the final look over.
I am keeping my days off for the imminent move.
I am so excited!! All that stress today for nothing.
I guess Joe Duffy will have to wait for my next life crisis!!

God I think I need a drink this evening after all this drama.

Happy Days!
Yeah me too!

She just rang so hopefully I can check the snag list tomorrow afternoon! They are only finishing mine tomorrow morning aswell, I wonder is because we were hassling all week? or I wonder was she reading the posts on this website! He He He
ha ha - yeah, betcha she was reading the posts!! God am so excited! All out giving out (albeit warranted) for nothing! Hope to God now that the snagging has been done properly and we can close! Good luck girls, let me know how you get on and when you're going out!!
Hey - anyone gone out yet? We're heading out to have a 'final inspection' (hopefully!) on saturday morning!
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