Home Lost documents - Who is my insurer?


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During a big clearout, I have lost a number of documents.
Crazy as it sounds, I do not know who my home is insured with.
I am currently out of the country and have a feeling that my policy is due.
I would have thought I would recieve a load of renewal letters, but post collected at my house has not shown this.
Apart from calling all insurers, how would I find out who I am insured with?
Obviously I cannot let the insurance lapse.
Cheque stubs, old credit card / bank statements, a "receipts" file if you keep such a thing ...
you will receive a letter of renewal from them at some stage usually about 2 weeks before renewal
Apart from calling all insurers, how would I find out who I am insured with?

If you have a mortgage, it’s probably a condition that you have the house insured and have your lenders interest noted, as such your lender would know who your insurers are, and your insurers would be obliged to notify your lender should cover cease.

Phone your lender.