Lone parent with Boyfriend not the childs father query


Registered User
Hi all, would really appreciate an answer from those in the know..
Hi, I have read a lot of the threads and most seem to be about the mother having the father of the child living with them.This is slightly different.

Can someone let me know what he situation is regarding a single parent having a boyfriend(who is NOT the father of the child,while she is claiming rent allowance?

Can the boyfriend call over to the house?,could they stay for an afternoon?
Are there any limitations ? Can they stay the odd night? Can they stay for the evening?
I know of someone who has had an inspector call,and as her boyfriend works shifts he happened to be there at the time.He has his own accommodation elsewhere though.

It is pretty obvious the child isn't his as the little girl is of a different race.
Can the SW make any decisions based on the fact that she has a boyfriend? If so ,why? If they make a decision based on her having a boyfriend and they split up a week later ,is the decision reversed? And what happens if she had a different boyfriend a month later?
If they decide to move in together ,will she lose her lone parent allowance?

This girl has been a single parent for four years and has had a couple of boyfriends over that period,it just so happened that the guy she is with now lives in the same area and he happened to be there when the inspector called.Most important to remember that he is not the father of the child,however the father of the child is involved,paying maintainence ,takes child for weekend etc,so could the boyfriend stay at the weekend?