Living with parents- Entitled to social welfare?




I am 24 years old and currently unemployed. I have been out of the country travelling for the past year. I am now back living with my parents while l try to find a job.

Is it possible to claim social welfare if I am living at home. Both my parents are self-employed.

No harm in trying. Probably best to just apply to your local SW office and they can tell you if you qualify. If you have the necessary PRSI contributions (probably not if you were travelling for a year) then you may qualify for non means tested Jobseeker's Benefit. If not then you can try for means tested Jobseeker's Allowance. See here:
If you have the necessary PRSI contributions (probably not if you were travelling for a year)

The year governing current entitlements is 2005, so if you were working before you left, you may have enough stamps paid.

I was in the same situation (twice!) Came back from travelling and spent a month or two looking for a job while living at home. Was getting 150 yoyos per week lodged into the account (once unemployment benefit, the other time unemployment assistance). As I had no expenses it was useful drink money!
Eazos, i hope the good people of ireland working hard to pay their taxes etc are happy paying for your drinks !
Sounds like he was perfectly entitled to it and was genuinely seeking work so what he spent it on was his prerogative. Don't forget that most of us pay PRSI towards this sort of thing and some of us (including myself) sometimes have cause to fall back on it. Welfare don't specify any qualifying conditions on what claimants are allowed spend the money on!