little black flys!! HELP???


Registered User
In the last 4 weeks the kitchen of our house has become infested with little black flys and i cannont figure out where they are coming from. The fruit is changed everyweek and i say this cause they are like fruit flys!!! any suggestions gratefully appreciated. Gettin married in a week and having visitors over is embarrasing. Sprayed the kitchen with fly spray last week and made no difference.
Are they drain flies, I wonder? Are your drains clean and free flowing, especially overflows in your sink, washbasins etc?
yup all sinks are free flowin and used on a regular daily basis. how clean they are i am not sure but know they get cleaning products poured down them once a week. we had mice a few months back and none since was wondering if it were possible that a dead one could be rotting somewhere. but there is no smell and flys are stayin to the kitchen and nowhere else???
You could try a few drops of eucalyptus oil in an aromatherapy burner in the affected room. Flies don't like it, nor do midges and mosquitos.
I'm sorry but little black flies have a food source! I was a student living with guys - trust me I know! Check all your presses and under appliances for gone off food!
my bf parents had loads of blue bottles flying around in the kitchen turned out there was a dead mouse under the floorboards. it was horrible there was so many of them
Imagine the numbers of bluebottles we had several years ago with a dead STRAY CAT in a CEILING!!
PINK said:
my bf parents had loads of blue bottles flying around in the kitchen turned out there was a dead mouse under the floorboards. it was horrible there was so many of them

Did it look anything like this (not for the squeamish)

[broken link removed]

racso said:
In the last 4 weeks the kitchen of our house has become infested with little black flys and i cannont figure out where they are coming from. The fruit is changed everyweek and i say this cause they are like fruit flys!!! any suggestions gratefully appreciated. Gettin married in a week and having visitors over is embarrasing. Sprayed the kitchen with fly spray last week and made no difference.

We had this problem a good while back in a downstairs toilet room. We traced it to the sewer which was blocking up. The flies went when that was cleared. A good while later the same thing happened and the same source of the problem was found so we did a very thorough rodding with the sewer rods. The sewer has remained clear since and we haven't had the flies since. Using detergents or anything similar isn't enough if that is the problem.
Had a similar problem a while back with small black fruit flies infesting the kitchen. As it turned out, our toddler son, had hidden a piece of fruit in one of his toys, and this was the breeding ground.

You have to look for food that the fly larvae are feeding on. get rid of that, get rid of the problem.